(06-07-2011, 02:55 AM)Nonlethal106 Wrote: As all gamers should know, the E3 convention is up and running for the next 2 days showing off all the latest games and technology that awaits us gamers for the years to come. As I was watching i got to thinking... E3 is for big gaming companies and little companies cannot afford/are not even allowed i think to show off their future games, so why doesnt Frictional Games release some insight on their next project? Just becasue they cant go to E3 doesnt mean us fans of Amnesia and Penumbra cant have our little party! True be told; im more interested in the next Frictional games title then any of this stupid MW3 crap. What im getting too is, E3 is showing off all these major future games for the years to come so why dont you guys do the same?
P.S. sry if this is in the wrong forum i wasnt sure
Well you're out of luck, Frictional Games have not released any info on the new game and have only been talking about the development of the engine on the blog so its a long time coming.