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White Night - Total Conversion v1.1
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

(02-10-2012, 06:01 PM)djdori11 Wrote: Okay, so what is Russ Money's explanation?


02-10-2012, 06:15 PM
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djdori11 Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

(02-10-2012, 06:15 PM)Tanshaydar Wrote:
(02-10-2012, 06:01 PM)djdori11 Wrote: Okay, so what is Russ Money's explanation?

Okay, but I think I'll finish White Night again sometime while trying to explore every level completely. Just for the fun and to understand the story better.
Btw tell me Tanshaydar, after enjoying your game I searched for similar games and mods like White Night and the best and most similar I found is "Korsakovia" do you know this game\mod? Did it inspire you? It's very similar amd it even has the "forget" and "remember" in the menus!

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2012, 06:53 PM by djdori11.)
02-11-2012, 06:52 PM
Kman Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

(02-11-2012, 06:52 PM)djdori11 Wrote:
(02-10-2012, 06:15 PM)Tanshaydar Wrote:
(02-10-2012, 06:01 PM)djdori11 Wrote: Okay, so what is Russ Money's explanation?

Okay, but I think I'll finish White Night again sometime while trying to explore every level completely. Just for the fun and to understand the story better.
Btw tell me Tanshaydar, after enjoying your game I searched for similar games and mods like White Night and the best and most similar I found is "Korsakovia" do you know this game\mod? Did it inspire you? It's very similar amd it even has the "forget" and "remember" in the menus!
A few pages back Tansel said that he didn't put in any references to Korsakovia in WN, so I'm guessing he probably wasn't too inspired by it Tongue

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02-11-2012, 10:23 PM
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Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

The problem is that people may not know the original sources of inspiration. I enjoyed Korsakovia quite a bit, and Dan Pinchbeck is one of my favorite game developers.(Read his thesis if you haven't yet.)
However, Korsakovia is inspired by Silent Hill, as I heavily implemented into White Night, so it's normal to have similarities. Furthermore, Korsakovia was about a mental disease, Korsakoff's Syndrome; and in White Night I took a further step and introduced a controversial topic, and I based my opinions on Ribot's Law, which perfectly fitted into story. The story of White Night also represents my very own thoughts about perception of reality and memory. (For an easier understanding, I can say I took a very specific kind of retrograde amnesia.) Nevertheless that, in any way, doesn't mean I took inspirations from Korsakovia. People who haven't played Silent Hill series probably won't understand. I know it, because I was accused to be a rip-off Korsakovia for a few times.

This is like Nightmare House 2. While it has nothing original in it (every single scare, story and design), people find it original and good because they didn't play the original games. Though I agree it was quite an enjoyable ride and qualified example, it didn't introduce anything new. I recognized every single scare and design element because I played almost all horror games since 1998 (starting with RE2).
And here comes the best part: I was accused to be rip-off of NH2. That entertained me a lot.

I took a few psychology courses and had serious discussions with a few instructors, so that I'd have a clean theory in my hands. Around March 2011, I did a reconstruction of the project, where White Night was decided to be a total conversion. That's when I based all my design on that theory (when 'remembering' & 'forget' came into scene). After that I added a new character, Dr. Patrick Parr; because without him, introducing the information and interpretation wouldn't blend into story and gameplay. I don't know where this puts me as a person who takes inspirations, but for me, best compliment for White Night was "Silent Hill in FPS" and I'd like it to be that way.

The thing is, which was a wrong step, I kept too many things abstract and left them to player's comprehension, in hope they would come up something never happened but also makes sense. I'm happy that it was a successful attempt to a certain extent, but I'm sad that it never got any other direction, where even the creator of Worry of Newport found 'generator failure after Sofia's intervention' irrelevant, while it was a obvious shot of understanding the reality of David.

But I still keep my evil smile because no one got to understand whole story yet Big Grin

(This post was last modified: 02-12-2012, 04:51 AM by Tanshaydar.)
02-12-2012, 04:47 AM
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steeler989 Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

I still think you should make a new modern story...
02-13-2012, 01:22 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

(02-13-2012, 01:22 AM)steeler989 Wrote: I still think you should make a new modern story...
But just think about how damn godly good one of his productions was if he wasn't limited by HPL2's restraints Tongue

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02-13-2012, 02:00 AM
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Elven Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

All we can do is hope that hpl3 is even more godly. I mean... they now know that they have community who is waiting for it!

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02-13-2012, 02:20 AM
steeler989 Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

WEll when hpl3 comes out, he should make a new story.
Can't say it enough. : )
02-13-2012, 03:43 AM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

Thanks for the kind words. In fact, even people in my team keeps telling that.
The thing is, although playing White Night was a great experience for many, the experience of creating it is a different thing and it's hard to express myself about that. Very few think about it and tries to understand how it was, and even fewer actually knows how it is.

I didn't make White Night because I had to or I was good. I did it because I wanted to. I'm happy it turned out to be good, but a few people who have seen earlier versions would say that there was a big chance that it might not have been good at all. And for some people, it's not good now either.

I'm now making another game, but it's not using HPL2. I want to explore new things. It would be best to appreciate it if you liked, and leave it at that. I won't be making any mod for Amnesia. If you want to play something I created, well, there will be something; but if you want to play something created for Amnesia, there are tons of good maps, custom stories and even mods out there.

HPL3 will let us making a racing game. Think about it.

02-13-2012, 04:00 AM
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steeler989 Offline
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RE: White Night - Total Conversion v1.1

Alright, I guess I understand. This was your first step into becoming a game designer ( I think ???) And I congratulate you on your accomplishments that you have made in White Night.
I have a question, what is the new game mod your working on? I want to know so that I can support you in that game creation as well. I am sure it will be just as GODLY like as white night : )
And, tbh, I kinda feel like im talking to a celebrity : D
Thanks for responing to my posts.
02-13-2012, 04:41 AM

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