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Cannot load the game

Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
jens Wrote:My best bet would be that there is some error with the gamers gate added software and you should contact their support for help. At the moment we don't have any other ideas

I finally did it !!! I can play Penumbra!!!
But it was a long trial and error way. After typing in the activation code the program tried to connect to GamersGate servers, but failed (Error code 5). Starting Penumbra again as administrator got me another dialog, I can't remember what exactly, I repeated this too often. After trying all possibilities suddenly I was through.

This all seems to me a complicated relation between GamersGate activation and Vista.

Thanks a lot for your always immediate answers and help! I imagine you are very busy at this time with all those problems not caused by you.
03-31-2007, 11:15 PM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Glad to hear you solved it Smile
03-31-2007, 11:29 PM
Mesocyclone Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Wolfgang Wrote:
jens Wrote:My best bet would be that there is some error with the gamers gate added software and you should contact their support for help. At the moment we don't have any other ideas

[size=medium]. After typing in the activation code the program tried to connect to GamersGate servers, but failed (Error code 5). Starting Penumbra again as administrator got me another dialog, I can't remember what exactly, I repeated this too often. After trying all possibilities suddenly I was through.

But when did you get a chance to fill in the activationcode? Via the icoonlauncher? There is nothing what openens here...
04-01-2007, 12:43 AM

Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Mesocyclone Wrote:
Wolfgang Wrote:
jens Wrote:My best bet would be that there is some error with the gamers gate added software and you should contact their support for help. At the moment we don't have any other ideas

[size=medium]. After typing in the activation code the program tried to connect to GamersGate servers, but failed (Error code 5). Starting Penumbra again as administrator got me another dialog, I can't remember what exactly, I repeated this too often. After trying all possibilities suddenly I was through.

But when did you get a chance to fill in the activationcode? Via the icoonlauncher? There is nothing what openens here...

After trying to load the game via the 'execute as administrator' (right mouseclick on the Penumbra-icon, then there appears a pull-down menu), I don't know the exact term, because I have the German version of Vista, I translated this from German. Then I got a window with the name '@ctivate' to fill in the code.
04-01-2007, 02:44 PM
Mesocyclone Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Wolfgang Wrote:
Mesocyclone Wrote:
Wolfgang Wrote:
jens Wrote:My best bet would be that there is some error with the gamers gate added software and you should contact their support for help. At the moment we don't have any other ideas

[size=medium]. After typing in the activation code the program tried to connect to GamersGate servers, but failed (Error code 5). Starting Penumbra again as administrator got me another dialog, I can't remember what exactly, I repeated this too often. After trying all possibilities suddenly I was through.

But when did you get a chance to fill in the activationcode? Via the icoonlauncher? There is nothing what openens here...

After trying to load the game via the 'execute as administrator' (right mouseclick on the Penumbra-icon, then there appears a pull-down menu), I don't know the exact term, because I have the German version of Vista, I translated this from German. Then I got a window with the name '@ctivate' to fill in the code.

Well it appears to be a Vista 64 problem I guess, I ran it on XP and it installed just fine. I'll try it to back up on CD and copy to my Vista OS.
Fingers crossed.

I hope the activation didn't put some essential files hidden in my old XP config, wich I need too Wink
04-01-2007, 02:59 PM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Gotten any reply from GamersGate on this issue?
04-02-2007, 06:56 AM

Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Thomas Wrote:Mesocyclone:
Gotten any reply from GamersGate on this issue?

Meanwhile my problem is solved, as I reported above, but today I received the following from GamersGate:
"Best Wolfgang,

This sounds like a problem related to Penumbra game, not the installer or
download service.

Please direct your technical support question here:

Kind regards,
Christian Schweitz
My question was:
> for my downloaded game 'Penumbra' I entered the activation key after
> doubleclicking the program icon and it responded: 'Bei der
> Datenspeicherung ist ein Fehler aufgetretn (5)' = data saving error (5).
> What can I do? My username is 'Wolfgang'.
> Thank you."

I think this answer isn't very helpful, although I don't need it anymore. An explanation what error-code 5 means should have been given anyway.
04-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Mesocyclone Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Thomas Wrote:Mesocyclone:
Gotten any reply from GamersGate on this issue?
Yes, they asked me to run their gameinstaller in XP or admin mode, but the failed to tell if they mean the 32 or 64 bits client.

I tried the 32 one in xp comp.mode but it gave me framework .net errors, which is understandable because the program probably calls for (old) .net 2 and Vista has only .net 3?

I'll now try to run the gaminstaller 64 bits flavour one time in XP mode.
04-02-2007, 06:52 PM
Mesocyclone Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Wolfgang Wrote:After trying to load the game via the 'execute as administrator' (right mouseclick on the Penumbra-icon, then there appears a pull-down menu), I don't know the exact term, because I have the German version of Vista, I translated this from German. Then I got a window with the name '@ctivate' to fill in the code.

Yep that's what happens in XP here to, but it fails to do this in Vista64 Sad

Well the XP/admin trick didn't do it in Vista either, so I'm out of options for now...I blame it on Vista(64) compatibility (activation) for now.
04-02-2007, 07:06 PM
Mesocyclone Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Cannot load the game
Next time, I buy in a shop. Its always something with these online distributions, patches are late ect.
04-02-2007, 07:21 PM
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