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Function Descriptions
MrBigzy Offline
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Function Descriptions

I figured it would be helpful for a lot of people to have descriptions for all of the Amnesia functions, since they're not in the wiki (maybe this can be put over there when it's done). Anyone wanna help out with anything I left blank? Will fill in some more later.

Spoiler below!

// Debug
void Print(string& asString);
void AddDebugMessage(string& asString, bool abCheckForDuplicates);
* Type can be "Low", "Medium" or "High"
void ProgLog(string& asLevel, string& asMessage);
bool ScriptDebugOn();

// General
float RandFloat(float afMin, float afMax);
Creates a random number with 7 digit places after the decimal, between min and max.
int RandInt(int alMin, int alMax);
Creates a random integer between min and max.

bool StringContains(string& asString, string& asSubString);
Checks if a string contains the substring (ie. if "Hello" is contained in "Hello, how are you?")
string& StringSub(string& asString, int alStart, int alCount);

void AddTimer(string& asName, float afTime, string& asFunction);
Creates a timer that calls a new function after a certain amount of time. Syntax is Function(string &in asTimer)
void RemoveTimer(string& asName);
Removes the specified timer.
float GetTimerTimeLeft(string& asName);
Gets the time left until a timer is finished its countdown. Useful in if statements.
void SetLocalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal);
Creates an int based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value. Variable is local to the function it is declared in.
void SetLocalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal);
Creates a float based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value. Variable is local to the function it is declared in.
void SetLocalVarString(string& asName, const string& asVal);
Creates a string based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value (ie. a word or a few words usually). Variable is local to the function it is declared in. Should const be declared when using it?

void AddLocalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal); [/i]Not sure how these differ to the set ones.[/i]
void AddLocalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal);
void AddLocalVarString(string& asName, string& asVal);

int GetLocalVarInt(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named int local variable. Useful for if statements.
float GetLocalVarFloat(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named float local variable. Useful for if statements.
string& GetLocalVarString(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named string local variable. Useful for if statements.

void SetGlobalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal);
Creates an int based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value. Variable is used throughout the whole script.
void SetGlobalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal);
Creates a float based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value. Variable is used throughout the whole script.
void SetGlobalVarString(string& asName, const string& asVal);
Creates a string based variable. Name is the name of the variable, Val is the value (ie. a word or a few words usually). Variable is used throughout the whole script.

void AddGlobalVarInt(string& asName, int alVal); [/i]Not sure how these differ to the set ones.[/i]
void AddGlobalVarFloat(string& asName, float afVal);
void AddGlobalVarString(string& asName, string& asVal);

int GetGlobalVarInt(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named int global variable. Useful for if statements.
float GetGlobalVarFloat(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named float global variable. Useful for if statements.
string& GetGlobalVarString(string& asName);
Gets the value of the named string global variable. Useful for if statements.

// Game
void StartCredits(string& asMusic, bool abLoopMusic, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, int alEndNum);
Starts the credits. TextCat and TextEntry are the category and entry in the .lang file. Not sure about EndNum. Game ends when credits are done.

void StartDemoEnd(); [/i]Possibly ends game instantly?[/i]

// Saving
void AutoSave();
* Callback syntax: MyFunc(string &in asName, int alCount), Count is 0 on first checkpoint load!
void CheckPoint(string& asName,string& asStartPos ,string& asCallback, string &asDeathHintCat, string &asDeathHintEntry);

// Map
void ChangeMap(string& asMapName, string& asStartPos, string& asStartSound, string& asEndSound);
Changes map to the designated map and starting position. Not sure about sounds.
void ClearSavedMaps();

* This caches all current textures and models and they are not released until destroy is called. If there is already cached data it is destroyed.
void CreateDataCache();
Caches all current textures and models. Overrides any previous cache.
void DestroyDataCache();
Destroys cached textures and models.

* Looked up in lang as ("Levels", asNameEntry)
void SetMapDisplayNameEntry(string& asNameEntry);
Displays map name. NameEntry is the entry in the .lang file; whatever is in that entry is displayed, not NameEntry itself.

void SetSkyBoxActive(bool abActive);
Sets the skybox(outside texture) as active or inactive.
void SetSkyBoxTexture(string& asTexture);
Sets the texture for the skybox.
void SetSkyBoxColor(float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA);
Sets the color for the skybox. (Only if there's no texture?)

void SetFogActive(bool abActive);
Sets a general fog for the map as active or inactive.
void SetFogColor(float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA);
Sets the color of the fog. R is red, G is green, B is blue, and A is alpha.
void SetFogProperties(float afStart, float afEnd, float afFalloffExp, bool abCulling);
Sets the fog properties. (Explanation of parameters here)

* If alRandomNum > 1, then it will randomize between 1 and alRandom for each LoadScreen giving entry the suffix XX (eg 01). If <=1 then no suffix is added
void SetupLoadScreen(string &asTextCat, string &asTextEntry, int alRandomNum, string &asImageFile);
Sets a load screen for use in OnLeave. If alRandomNum > 1, then it will randomize between 1 and alRandomNum for each LoadScreen giving entry the suffix XX (eg 01). If <=1 then no suffix is added.

// Effect
void FadeIn(float afTime);
Fades in from black
void FadeOut(float afTime);
Fades out to black.
void FadeImageTrailTo(float afAmount, float afSpeed);
Creates an afterimage effect.
void FadeSepiaColorTo(float afAmount, float afSpeed);
Gives the screen a sepia hue.
void FadeRadialBlurTo(float afSize, float afSpeed);
Gives the screen a radial blur.
void SetRadialBlurStartDist(float afStartDist);
void StartEffectFlash(float afFadeIn, float afWhite, float afFadeOut);
void StartEffectEmotionFlash(string &asTextCat, string &asTextEntry, string &asSound);

//This adds a voice + effect to be played. It is okay to call this many times in order to play many voices in a row. The EffectVoiceOverCallback is not called until ALL voices have finished.
void AddEffectVoice( string& asVoiceFile, string& asEffectFile,
string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry, bool abUsePostion,
string& asPosEnitity, float afMinDistance, float afMaxDistance);
void StopAllEffectVoices(float afFadeOutTime);
bool GetEffectVoiceActive();
* Syntax: void Func();
void SetEffectVoiceOverCallback(string& asFunc);
bool GetFlashbackIsActive();

void StartPlayerSpawnPS(string& asSPSFile);
void StopPlayerSpawnPS();

void PlayGuiSound(string& asSoundFile, float afVolume);

void StartScreenShake(float afAmount, float afTime, float afFadeInTime,float afFadeOutTime);
Shakes the screen (no sound is played with it). Amount is intensity of shake, time is duration, etc. The total time of the shake will be the time plus the fade times.

// Insanity
void SetInsanitySetEnabled(string& asSet, bool abX);
void StartRandomInsanityEvent();
Starts a random insanity event; most of these are sound clips of Daniel talking.
bool InsanityEventIsActive();
Checks whether an insanity event is active. Useful for if statements.

// Player
void SetPlayerActive(bool abActive);
Sets the player as active or inactive (can't move at all or open inventory).
void ChangePlayerStateToNormal();
void SetPlayerCrouching(bool abCrouch);
Sets the player as crouching or not crouching.[b]
void AddPlayerBodyForce(float afX, float afY, float afZ, bool abUseLocalCoords);
[b]Gives a force to the player. Useful for floating or flying if done repeatedly.

void ShowPlayerCrossHairIcons(bool abX);

void SetPlayerSanity(float afSanity);
Sets the player sanity level (between 0 and 100).
void AddPlayerSanity(float afSanity);
Adds a specific amount to the sanity level.
float GetPlayerSanity();
Gets the value of the player's sanity. Useful for if statements.
void SetPlayerHealth(float afHealth);
Sets the player health level (between 0 and 100).
void AddPlayerHealth(float afHealth);
Adds a specific amount to the health level.
float GetPlayerHealth();
Gets the value of the player's health. Useful for if statements.
void SetPlayerLampOil(float afOil);
Sets the player oil level (between 0 and 100).
void AddPlayerLampOil(float afOil);
Adds a specific amount to the oil level.
float GetPlayerLampOil();
Gets the value of the player's oil. Useful for if statements.

float GetPlayerSpeed();
Gets the player's horizontal speed. Useful for if statements.
float GetPlayerYSpeed();
Gets the player's vertical speed. Useful for if statements.

void SetSanityDrainDisabled(bool abX);
Disables draining of player sanity. (ie. looking at enemies, hiding in darkness, etc.)
void GiveSanityBoost();
Gives a boost in sanity. (not sure amount)
void GiveSanityBoostSmall();
Gives a small boost in sanity. (not sure amount)
void GiveSanityDamage(float afAmount, bool abUseEffect);
Gives sanity damage of a specific amount. If UseEffect is true, the screen will have a sanity effect and play a sanity based sound. (similar to scare events in the main game)

void GivePlayerDamage(float afAmount, string& asType, bool abSpinHead, bool abLethal);
Gives damage to the player of a specific amount. Type can be BloodSplat, Claws, or Slash. SpinHead will make the player change direction slightly when hit. Lethal will determine if the hit can kill the player or not (if not, health will only go down to as low as 1%).
void FadePlayerFOVMulTo(float afX, float afSpeed);
Changes the field of view of the player. Useful for zooming in or out.
void FadePlayerAspectMulTo(float afX, float afSpeed);
Changes the aspect of the player. Basically, it stretches or shrinks the screen horizontally.
void FadePlayerRollTo(float afX, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed);
void MovePlayerHeadPos(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afSpeed, float afSlowDownDist);
void StartPlayerLookAt(string& asEntityName, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed, string &asAtTargetCallback);
Makes the player look at an entity. SpeedMul is the speed multiplier for how fast the head turns, MaxSpeed is the max speed of the turn. (not sure about the use of callback parameter)
void StopPlayerLookAt();
Stops the player from looking at an entity. Has to be used after StartPlayerLookAt in order to unlock sight from the entity.
void SetPlayerMoveSpeedMul(float afMul);
Sets the player's walk speed by a multiplier. 1 is default speed.
void SetPlayerRunSpeedMul(float afMul);
Sets the player's run speed by a multiplier. 1 is default speed.
void SetPlayerLookSpeedMul(float afMul);
Sets the player's look speed by a multiplier. 1 is default speed.
void SetPlayerJumpDisabled(bool abX);
Sets whether the player can jump or not.
void SetPlayerCrouchDisabled(bool abX);
Sets whether the player can crouch or not.
void TeleportPlayer(string &asStartPosName);
Teleports a player to a certain location. Can only teleport to a StartPos area.
void SetLanternActive(bool abX, bool abUseEffects);
Sets the lantern as active or inactive. (I would assume UseEffects makes it light up or not)
bool GetLanternActive();
[/b]Gets whether the lantern is active or inactive. Useful for if statements.[/b]
void SetLanternDisabled(bool abX);
Sets whether the lantern can be used or not.
void SetLanternLitCallback(string &asCallback);
A callback for when the lantern is lit. When the lantern is used, the callback function will be run. Syntax: Func(bool abLit)
void SetMessage(string &asTextCategory, string &asTextEntry, float afTime);
Displays a message on screen. TextCategory and Entry are read from the .lang file. The text in the entry is whats displayed on screen. If Time is 0 or less, a time will be set based on string length.
void SetDeathHint(string &asTextCategory, string &asTextEntry);
* This must be called directly before player is killed! The variable as soon as player dies too.
void DisableDeathStartSound();

// Journal
void AddNote(string& asNameAndTextEntry, string& asImage);
void AddDiary(string& asNameAndTextEntry, string& asImage);
* Only called in the pickup diary callback! If true the journal displays the entry else not.
void ReturnOpenJournal(bool abOpenJournal);

// Quest
void AddQuest(string& asName, string& asNameAndTextEntry);
void CompleteQuest(string& asName, string& asNameAndTextEntry);
bool QuestIsCompleted(string& asName);
bool QuestIsAdded(string& asName);
void SetNumberOfQuestsInMap(int alNumberOfQuests);

// Hint
* if time is <=0 then the life time is calculated based on string length.
void GiveHint(string& asName, string& asMessageCat, string& asMessageEntry, float afTimeShown);
void RemoveHint(string& asName);
void BlockHint(string& asName);
void UnBlockHint(string& asName);

// Inventory
void ExitInventory();
void SetInventoryDisabled(bool abX);
* if life time is <=0 then the life time is calculated based on string length.
void SetInventoryMessage(string &asTextCategory, string &asTextEntry, float afTime);

void GiveItem(string& asName, string& asType, string& asSubTypeName, string& asImageName, float afAmount);
void RemoveItem(string& asName);
bool HasItem(string& asName);

//This is meant to be used for debug mostly as it creates the actual item and then destroys i.
void GiveItemFromFile(string& asName, string& asFileName);

void AddCombineCallback(string& asName, string& asItemA, string& asItemB, string& asFunction, bool abAutoDestroy);
Creates a callback for combining items. Function is the function that is run when the items are combined, AutoDestroy is whether the original items are destroyed after they are combined. Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asItemA, string &in asItemB)
void RemoveCombineCallback(string& asName);
Removes a combine callback.
void AddUseItemCallback(string& asName, string& asItem, string& asEntity, string& asFunction, bool abAutoDestroy);
Creates a callback for using an item. Function is the function that is run when the item is used, Entity is the entity the item has to be used on, and AutoDestroy is whether the item should be destroyed after use. Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
void RemoveUseItemCallback(string& asName);
Removes an item use callback.

// Engine data
void PreloadParticleSystem(string& asPSFile);
void PreloadSound(string& asSoundFile);

void CreateParticleSystemAtEntity(string& asPSName, string& asPSFile, string& asEntity, bool abSavePS);
void CreateParticleSystemAtEntityExt( string& asPSName, string& asPSFile, string& asEntity, bool abSavePS, float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA,
bool abFadeAtDistance, float afFadeMinEnd, float afFadeMinStart, float afFadeMaxStart, float afFadeMaxEnd);
void DestroyParticleSystem(string& asName);

void PlaySoundAtEntity(string& asSoundName, string& asSoundFile, string& asEntity, float afFadeTime, bool abSaveSound);
Plays a sound (any .snt file) at an entity. File is the sound file, Entity is the entity at which the sound should be played, FadeTime is the fade time at the end of the sound. If abSaveSound = true the sound is never attached to the entity! Also note that saving should on be used on looping sounds!
void FadeInSound(string& asSoundName, float afFadeTime, bool abPlayStart);
Fades in a sound. Make sure the sound is created before this is called. FadeTime is fade in time.
void StopSound(string& asSoundName, float afFadeTime);
Stops a sound. FadeTime is fade out time.
void PlayMusic(string& asMusicFile, bool abLoop, float afVolume, float afFadeTime, int alPrio, bool abResume);
Plays music (any .ogg file). Sound source is at player. Loop is whether the music should repeat or not, Prio is priority of music compared to other PlayMusic calls (0 being highest priority).
void StopMusic(float afFadeTime, int alPrio);
Stops music. Prio is priority of stopping the music (ie. if priority is low and the PlayMusic priority is high, music won't stop?)

void FadeGlobalSoundVolume(float afDestVolume, float afTime);
Changes master volume. Time is fade time to the volume.
void FadeGlobalSoundSpeed(float afDestSpeed, float afTime);
Changes master speed ofthe sound (ie. faster speed = higher pitched voices). Time is fade time to the speed.

void SetLightVisible(string& asLightName, bool abVisible);
Makes a light active or inactive. Use this for lights in place of SetEntityActive.
* -1 for color or radius means keeping the value.
void FadeLightTo(string& asLightName, float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA, float afRadius, float afTime);
Changes the properties of a light. R is red, G is green, B is blue, A is alpha, R is radius (light distance), Time is fade time of all property changes.
void SetLightFlickerActive(string& asLightName, bool abActive);
Sets a light flicker as active or inactive. Flicker properties can only be set in the editors.

// Entity properties
void SetEntityActive(string& asName, bool abActive);
Sets an entity as active or inactive.
bool GetEntityExists(string& asName);
Gets whether an entity is active or not. Useful for if statements.
* CrossHair can be: Default (uses default), Grab, Push, Ignite, Pick, LevelDoor, Ladder
void SetEntityCustomFocusCrossHair(string& asName, string &asCrossHair);
void CreateEntityAtArea(string& asEntityName, string& asEntityFile, string& asAreaName, bool abFullGameSave);
* Callback syntax: MyFunc(string &in entity, int alState) state: 1=looking, -1=not looking
void SetEntityPlayerLookAtCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt);
* Callback syntax: MyFunc(string &in entity)
void SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveOnInteraction);
* Callback syntax: MyFunc(string &in entity, string &in type). Type depends on entity type and includes: "OnPickup", "Break", "OnIgnite", etc
void SetEntityCallbackFunc(string& asName, string& asCallback);
* A callback called when ever the connection state changes (button being switched on). Syntax: void Func(string &in EntityName, int alState). alState: -1=off, 0=between 1=on
void SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback);
void SetEntityInteractionDisabled(string& asName, bool abDisabled);
* This function does NOT support asterix!
bool GetEntitiesCollide(string& asEntityA, string& asEntityB);

void SetPropEffectActive(string& asName, bool abActive, bool abFadeAndPlaySounds);
void SetPropActiveAndFade(string& asName, bool abActive, float afFadeTime);
void SetPropPhysics(string& asName, bool abX);
bool GetPropIsInteractedWith(string& asName);
* Rotates the prop up to a set speed. If OffsetArea = "", then center of body is used.
void RotatePropToSpeed(string& asName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, float afAxisX, float afAxisY, float afAxisZ, bool abResetSpeed, string& asOffsetArea);
void StopPropMovement(string& asName);

void AddAttachedPropToProp(string& asPropName, string& asAttachName, string& asAttachFile, float afPosX, float afPosY, float afPosZ, float afRotX, float afRotY, float afRotZ);
void RemoveAttachedPropFromProp(string& asPropName, string& asAttachName);

void SetLampLit(string& asName, bool abLit, bool abEffects);
void SetSwingDoorLocked(string& asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects);
void SetSwingDoorClosed(string& asName, bool abClosed, bool abEffects);
void SetSwingDoorDisableAutoClose(string& asName, bool abDisableAutoClose);
bool GetSwingDoorLocked(string &asName);
bool GetSwingDoorClosed(string &asName);
* -1 = angle is close to 0, 1=angle is 70% or higher of max, 0=inbetween -1 and 1.
int GetSwingDoorState(string &asName);
void SetLevelDoorLocked(string& asName, bool abLocked);
void SetLevelDoorLockedSound(string& asName, string& asSound);
void SetLevelDoorLockedText(string& asName, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry);
* State: 0=not stuck 1 = at max -1= at min
void SetPropObjectStuckState(string& asName, int alState);

void SetWheelAngle(string& asName, float afAngle, bool abAutoMove);
void SetWheelStuckState(string& asName, int alState, bool abEffects);
void SetLeverStuckState(string& asName, int alState, bool abEffects);
void SetWheelInteractionDisablesStuck(string& asName, bool abX);
void SetLeverInteractionDisablesStuck(string& asName, bool abX);
int GetLeverState(string& asName);

void SetMultiSliderStuckState(string& asName, int alStuckState, bool abEffects);
* Called when state changes Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asEntity, int alState)
void SetMultiSliderCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback);

void SetButtonSwitchedOn(string& asName, bool abSwitchedOn, bool abEffects);
void SetAllowStickyAreaAttachment(bool abX);
void AttachPropToStickyArea(string& asAreaName, string& asProp);
void AttachBodyToStickyArea(string& asAreaName, string& asBody);
void DetachFromStickyArea(string& asAreaName);
void SetNPCAwake(string& asName, bool abAwake, bool abEffects);
void SetNPCFollowPlayer(string& asName, bool abX);

void SetEnemyDisabled(string& asName, bool abDisabled);
void SetEnemyIsHallucination(string& asName, bool abX);
void FadeEnemyToSmoke(string& asName, bool abPlaySound);
void ShowEnemyPlayerPosition(string& asName);
void SetEnemyDisableTriggers(string& asName, bool abX);
void AddEnemyPatrolNode(string& asName, string& asNodeName, float afWaitTime, string& asAnimation);
void ClearEnemyPatrolNodes(string& asEnemyName);

void SetPropHealth(string& asName, float afHealth);
void AddPropHealth(string& asName, float afHealth);
float GetPropHealth(string& asName);
void ResetProp(string& asName);
* Callback syntax: MyFunc(string &in asProp)
void PlayPropAnimation(string& asProp, string& asAnimation, float afFadeTime, bool abLoop, string &asCallback);

* State is 0 -1 where 0 is close and 1 is open. Any intermediate value is also valid!
void SetMoveObjectState(string& asName, float afState);
void SetMoveObjectStateExt(string& asName, float afState, float afAcc, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowdownDist, bool abResetSpeed);

void AddPropForce(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem);
void AddPropImpulse(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem);
void AddBodyForce(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem);
void AddBodyImpulse(string& asName, float afX, float afY, float afZ, string& asCoordSystem);
* Do not use this on joints in SwingDoors, Levers, Wheels, etc where the joint is part of an interaction. That will make the game crash.
void BreakJoint(string& asName);

// Parent can have asterix in name but mot child! Entity callbacks alStates = 1=only enter, -1=only leave 0=both. Syntax: void Func(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState). alState: 1=enter, -1=leave.
void AddEntityCollideCallback(string& asParentName, string& asChildName, string& asFunction, bool abDeleteOnCollide, int alStates);
// Parent can have asterix in name but mot child!
void RemoveEntityCollideCallback(string& asParentName, string& asChildName);

// Entity connections
void InteractConnectPropWithRope( string& asName, string& asPropName, string& asRopeName, bool abInteractOnly,
float afSpeedMul, float afToMinSpeed, float afToMaxSpeed,
bool abInvert, int alStatesUsed);
* This one should only be used if there must be an exact correspondance to prope "amount" and the moveobject open amount. It is best used for Wheel-door connections!
void InteractConnectPropWithMoveObject(string& asName, string& asPropName, string& asMoveObjectName, bool abInteractOnly,
bool abInvert, int alStatesUsed);
* Callback Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asConnectionName, string &in asMainEntity, string &in asConnectEntity, int alState). State is what is sent to connection entity and will be inverted if abInvertStateSent=true!
void ConnectEntities(string& asName, string& asMainEntity, string& asConnectEntity, bool abInvertStateSent, int alStatesUsed, string& asCallbackFunc);
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2011, 04:22 AM by MrBigzy.)
03-28-2011, 01:59 AM
thepaleking Offline

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RE: Function Descriptions

It's nice that you typed all this out, but there is a large script function page on the wiki...
Though maybe there are things on this one that are missing over there.
03-28-2011, 04:17 AM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

Nono, this is copied over from that, but with descriptions of each function, since there aren't any over there. I'm hoping this will be copied over to there eventually, since very limited people have access to the wiki I think.
03-28-2011, 04:23 AM
jens Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

Wiki is open for everyone that registers, so why not go crazy and update the wiki directly Wink
03-28-2011, 06:56 AM
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MrBigzy Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

Oh really? I thought I saw somewhere that only a couple people had it...

I'll go put all this over there right now then. Angel
Edit: The Script Functions page (and some others) doesn't seem to be editable. Should I make a new page somewhere or can you make that page editable?
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2011, 07:44 AM by MrBigzy.)
03-28-2011, 07:36 AM
Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

You got it wrong with the Local and Global Vars. You can use local throughout the whole script and global even between different maps here in Amnesia.

(This post was last modified: 03-28-2011, 10:35 AM by Pandemoneus.)
03-28-2011, 10:35 AM
jens Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

They are editable, have you registered an account?
03-28-2011, 10:45 AM
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Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

The wiki doesn't want to send me the email with the password. Wink

03-28-2011, 10:53 AM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: Function Descriptions

Oh nevermind, I see how to edit now, thought it was just the edit buttons to the right.

And what's the difference between Global and Local? I assumed local just meant inside a function, since it didn't seem to work between functions for me.

And yea, did you use hotmail? It took like 2 weeks for them to send an activation e-mail for the forums, but yahoo was instantaneous. Huh
03-28-2011, 11:22 AM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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RE: Function Descriptions

Turns out gmx.de/net range had been blocked by our firewall as we got a massive "abusive access attempts", so I fixed that now so that emails can be sent to gmx users. If you did not get the email, try it again.

We got blocked by msn/hotmail/live 2-3 weeks ago and it took a week to get of the list, so that is why there was a delay probably with mails back then.
03-28-2011, 11:33 AM
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