I have some questions about the next game from sweden

1. Are you already working at the "game" or at the moment still on the new HPL3 engine?
2. It will be not a mainly horror game like all before? It will only have some horror effects?
3. What about the puzzles? Amnesia have not so much puzzles like Penumbra. Does your new game have more and more difficult puzzles?
4. We saw a video that demonstrate some grass vegetation rendering.
Does your new game play outdoor at an island for example or a deep forest?
5. A very interesting question is:
In what time does the game play? Is it in a modern industrial age like Penumbra? Or before 100s of years like Amnesia? Or even in the middle age with epic touch?
6. When did we see first artworks? Amnesia information started spring 2009 - shortly after beginning of development.
Can you answer some questions?
Or is it currently not allowed and also too early?