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Poll: Will you buy Portal 2?
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24 58.54%
3 7.32%
I'll consider it
14 34.15%
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Portal 2
DominusVita Offline

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RE: Portal 2

I enjoyed the first, but it almost feels like a sequel to BioShock - the first wrapped itself in a nice little bow, why expand it even further? I've seen the playthroughs, and it feels like a very nice expansion, but not much else.
04-20-2011, 12:57 AM
Bek Offline
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RE: Portal 2

Co op is very cool - one puzzle was QUITE challenging (one of the hard lightbridge challanges, maybe the last or second last one?)
04-20-2011, 01:40 AM
TGST Offline

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RE: Portal 2

Well IGN said in their review exactly what I would about the game. "Makes the original look like a prototype it was." Certainly did. It's an splendid game, but it's too short/ and the replay value isn't that great at the moment. For the price of 50 dollars, it's too much. But when the price drops under 40 I urge everyone to buy it! Really really fun game.
04-20-2011, 12:47 PM
DominusVita Offline

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RE: Portal 2

Yeah, it certainly got the gameplay spot on, there's not much else you can do with that portal gun now :p Once the price drops, it will be worth more for both the single player and co-op.
04-20-2011, 12:50 PM
Matthias Steel Offline

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RE: Portal 2

i got portal 2 and its awesome, if anyone wants to play some co-op give me a friend request on steam.


"He rides the wind on silent wings lazerbeams ripping steel, Black helicopters go up in flames before they know that he's real"
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2011, 09:28 PM by Matthias Steel.)
04-20-2011, 09:27 PM
p0rtalthinker Offline
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RE: Portal 2

Just finished Portal 2 last night (currently playing for the second time with developer commentary on) and I gotta say, WOW! Was completely blown away by that ending, and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. That being said however, there were a few qualms I had that I wish could be fixed:

* You can't chuck objects anymore??? How come?

* Objects are wayyyy too close to the face when grabbing them.

* I miss the little light on your portal curser that indicated when I could plant a portal and when I couldn't (safe surface, not safe surface).

* New emancipation grid texture looks like something out of Quake 1

* Seeing where you placed your portals behind walls I thought was a little cheesy and It broke my immersion a bit (it hurt the experience more then added to it I thought)

* The one HUGE qualm I have is the loading screens. They happen SO frequently in the first 1/3 of the game and they really bothered me at first (even though they only take like 3 seconds). Why didn't you just go with the tried and tested loading screen you've done for nearly all source games, when its just that little loading bar and you can still see where you are?

* Objects that were intractable aren't anymore (such as chairs, coffee cups at certain times, etc.)

* I'd love if there was an achievement tab like in the original portal so I could quickly check em out an see which ones I still need (I know you can bring up the overlay and see the list from there)

* Map import tool? I noticed there wasn't one anywhere in the menu unlike the original Portal. In the future I know there will be some craaazy Portal 2 maps I'd love to play, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will want to play some custom maps easily and not have to jump through hoops to import them.

04-20-2011, 10:26 PM
skypeskype Offline
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RE: Portal 2

I got Portal 2 yesterday and I completly love it. The graphics are awsome, the story is awsome, the voice acting is awsome, its funny and challenging. What more can you want from a puzzle game ?
04-21-2011, 01:12 PM
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Torque Offline
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RE: Portal 2

(04-20-2011, 10:26 PM)p0rtalthinker Wrote: * You can't chuck objects anymore??? How come?

* New emancipation grid texture looks like something out of Quake 1

* The one HUGE qualm I have is the loading screens. They happen SO frequently in the first 1/3 of the game and they really bothered me at first (even though they only take like 3 seconds). Why didn't you just go with the tried and tested loading screen you've done for nearly all source games, when its just that little loading bar and you can still see where you are?

* Objects that were intractable aren't anymore (such as chairs, coffee cups at certain times, etc.)

Consoles... *cough* consoles...
04-24-2011, 10:45 PM
Bek Offline
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RE: Portal 2

"Your game is now saving - do not turn off your console"

04-25-2011, 02:55 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Portal 2

For some reason seeing my portals through the walls didn't help as much as the little dot on the reticle in Portal 1 that indicated which portal you'd shot last. I think they added the X-Ray portals primarily for the Co-op, for which they also appear to have reserved most of the difficulty. Single player campaign, although very enjoyable, struck me as nearly unchallenging.
04-25-2011, 08:04 AM

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