(05-08-2011, 05:05 PM)Tottel Wrote: Awesome work. I'm not sure how you did it, but I love the shadows: It looks pretty real. 
Here's a quick overview of my process:
- film it. Camera attached to tripod (more stable than just straight-up handheld) and me running full sprint down the hall.
- track shot with Syntheyes camera tracking software. Basically, the computer (using my input) is figuring out how a CG camera needs to move to mimic the real-world camera.
- recreate a rough cg "set" mimicking the real environment.
- place grunt in scene.
- slow down footage after realizing it looks unrealistic having the grunt run that fast.
- render out grunt passes (diffuse, specular, ambient occlusion, shadows)
- put them all together in After Effects.
- tweak color until it matches that of the original shot (i.e. color temperature correction, move black level up so blackest black is more of a dark grey color)
- Put it all together!
- Re render all this crap because alpha matting got screwed up.

- Put it all together!