(05-23-2011, 08:08 PM)Simpanra Wrote: How do i make my player walk forward of their own accord WITHOUT the scripts from justine?
Perhaps make the floor move instead and to play the step sound every second or something?
So I take it the Justine walk script isn't working for you. :/
(05-23-2011, 08:32 PM)xtron Wrote: @WatzUpzPeepz
What is "DoorSlamArea" and "CollideDoorSlam"? are they some random names or some kind of function?
EDIT: nvm I made it work ^^. thanks!
btw!: How do i do so the door destroys when i enter the script?
Use this script command in a function when you want the door to break:
SetPropHealth("DoorName", -100);