Here's the top level domain:
Come here, it's time to get to know each other and help others out. That site there is a gaming community, totally dedicated to bringing players together.
Let's Play video creators or walkthrough guide makers can post and share their work here with ease. Custom Story creators have the ease of attaching their custom stories to a post and sharing it with the world. Coming soon is a custom story database where custom stories that are approved by the team will be placed, for easy access

. Set a price for your amazing custom story based on our recommendation. The good doesn't always have to be free. This is a chance to earn money too

I'm just here to bring gamers together. The community has a vent for those of you scared to play the game by yourself. Just come and enjoy yourselves and have fun

Here is the link one last time. I hope to see you all there. My name is Nett0 on the site.