I did have one idea for a second amnesia game
Amnesia: The City of Ruin
in the game good old Daniel returns home to London to find Mayfair a burning destroyed shadow of its former self and shortly he'll wish he hadn't returned as a familiar and horrifying sight slowly lumbers around a corner and vanishes... The Gatherers are still looking for him O_O and there are a few more new additions to watch out for: Butchers, Splitters, and Hunters Butchers have only one key scripted appearance and that is in the Mayfair butcher shop where the monster will smash through a wooden barricade and walk into a carving room (the place where butchers, you know chop the meat). behind him on a chain are several of Daniel's good friends feel tied by chains Daniel has 2 choices 1.he can use a sledgehammer that he finds outside the shop and break the chain or let the butcher drag his friends away and slaughter them. Splitters are so named for bieng victims of the brute that have been revived as gatherers they have metal caging on their head that emits a strong beam of lantern light and these creatures can only "see" you if their light shines on you at which point they will flat out rush Daniel both limbs given grunt claws it attacks in a flurry of arm swipes and the occasional drop kick. Hunters are the most dangerous of the gatherers simply for the battery of rifles that replaces their forearms these monster may be blind but they have excellent hearing and if they hear you they will fire a battery of six musket balls in your direction (six because there are three rifles on each arm)