As soon as I finish high school, I think I'm going to start work on a custom story for Amnesia!

I have a lot of things to do before college... I'll spend as much time as I can with close friends that go to foreign colleges: traveling a lot, playing Dungeons & Dragons and partying as much as we can! I'll also focus a lot on my hobbies: music (guitar, harmonica and voice), reading (a lot of great horror stories are left unread), bow making (as in bow & arrow), cycling, programing and let's not forget gaming (I plan on buying the penumbra collection). I'd also like to explore the forests in my region and dabble a bit in herbalism (there are so many wonderful plants out there).
Of course I'm a bit sad that high school is over, but college is a whole new life. I'll study what completely interests me (programing), no more wasting time with other subjects. Of course geography, history, biology etc are interesting, but only up to a certain point.
I'm looking forward to having the life of a student!