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[Solved] strange crash,olease help!thanks
andrea Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

OK..here in italy the pc games prices are very high!!!

I tried to cklean the game cache with no results ( I saw it worked for a guy with a similar problem).

I delete the settings .cfg with no result;

I updated my nvidia audio driver to the last nvidia released ( I have a nforce motherboard): same problem

I use every time the software audio mode...the same

I installed the 91.47 forceware from the 93.41 : again no result.

The game starts,load a save but after awhile the green blackbox appears and the game freezes: it happens now in the first level sector (the corridors I presume,as soon the first dog appears ),specifically when ,after a pad activation code for a door has been digited, the game tries to load a new sector and it freezes everytime!!!)

The strange thing is this happens only with this game ( no prpblems with Oblivion exspansion,stalker,infernal etc,).

I'm really sorry not to be able to play this very goood game.

thans for the attention.

Sorry for my not so good english written!

04-12-2007, 08:22 AM
Luis Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

Hi Andrea. I've been checking your problem, and found some things you can try (in order). Let's hope any of them turns out to be of help:

- You said that you're always using software audio, try hardware instead and see if that helps (quite unlikely, but would be nice if you tested)
- Search for 'libvorbis.dll' in your Windows system folders, to see if the game could be using some other version of the file you had installed previously. If you find any copy, rename it to 'libvorbis.old' (just so that you can restore it afterwards) and restart the game. If this doesn't work, or if you didn't find any other copy of the file, replace the 'libvorbis.dll' file in the redist folder with the one in the attachment. Start the game after that.
- If none of the above worked, try changing the UseThreading="true" parameter to UseThreading="false" in the settings.cfg that can be found in the same folder where the 'hpl.log' is.

Please tell us if this worked or not Smile (hopefully it does)

04-12-2007, 10:45 AM
andrea Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

thank you really!!

but what do you mean "replace the 'libvorbis.dll' file in the redist folder with the one in the attachment"...escuse me,but what attachment you're speaking of? Thanks!!!


I'll try this evening and let you know(fingers crossed We say here in Italy ...it's aganist bad luck!!!)
04-12-2007, 10:51 AM
Luis Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

Sorry for the lack of details Smile, by "redist folder" I mean this one:
'[Folder where you installed the game]\Episode 1\redist'
Right there should be the 'libvorbis.dll' file I mentioned. And the attachment is the attached file that appears at the bottom of my previous post. It's a zip file, so you will have to uncompress the dll file inside it.

If you need any more help, you know where I am Smile

04-12-2007, 11:23 AM
andrea Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

Luis Wrote:Sorry for the lack of details Smile, by "redist folder" I mean this one:
'[Folder where you installed the game]\Episode 1\redist'
Right there should be the 'libvorbis.dll' file I mentioned. And the attachment is the attached file that appears at the bottom of my previous post. It's a zip file, so you will have to uncompress the dll file inside it.

If you need any more help, you know where I am Smile

thanks...I didn't see the zip file attached!

I'll make you know tomorrow.Thanks again

04-12-2007, 12:36 PM
andrea Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

andrea Wrote:
Luis Wrote:Sorry for the lack of details Smile, by "redist folder" I mean this one:
'[Folder where you installed the game]\Episode 1\redist'
Right there should be the 'libvorbis.dll' file I mentioned. And the attachment is the attached file that appears at the bottom of my previous post. It's a zip file, so you will have to uncompress the dll file inside it.

If you need any more help, you know where I am Smile

thanks...I didn't see the zip file attached!

I'll make you know tomorrow.Thanks again


Ok...it was a tough fight but at last we won!thanks to everyone

I simply replaced my 'libvorbis.dll' with the zip file You kindly attached and I was able to play with no problem !!!I've been playing the game for 3 hours with no problem at all.[/i]

A strange thing I noticed : my libvorbis.dll size file was different !!!isn't it a strange thing?!

04-13-2007, 08:12 AM
Luis Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: strange crash,olease help!thanks

Well, I found out that the libvorbis.dll file which is shipped with the game happens to crash on some computers for some obscure reason. The dll you're using now is just some older version, which is working nicely I see Smile

I'm glad that helped in the end.

04-13-2007, 09:44 AM

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