(06-10-2011, 10:47 PM)xtron Wrote: I don't know if it's solved but I if I got you right...here's how to fix so you can see your map file in your maps folder.
1: go to the controlpanel
2: make sure your in the "category" view then click on the "Appearance and Personalization" link
3: Under the Folder Options category, click on Show Hidden Files or Folders.
4: Under the Hidden files and folders section select the radio button labeled Show hidden files,
folders, or drives.
5: Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide extensions for known file types.
6: Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files
7: Press the Apply button and then the OK button..
Thankyou for the tip, I'm happy to say I just turned my UAC (User Account Control) off because Vista was being really.. mean.

I can now see my maps, though they're still unplayable.
For everyone trying to help me through this thankyou, and I have some new information ...
This morning I logged onto my computer and found an error text document on my desktop. It's named 'hpl.log'. Opening it, it says:
'ERROR: Unable to open config file 'MainEditorSettings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!'
I have no idea what this means.. after a little researched I managed to dig up what 'invalid filepointer returned' means. It says this problem came up with a few Steam users, except it was a different file that was messing up. Pretty much repliers said the person could have a corrupted game. Is it possible that my Level Editor is corrupted?
I also want to add that I've been having problems downloading custom stories. Last time I tried I got a message that said it couldn't download the file. Maybe I'm running out of drive space..
Last thing, my brother the techwizard and I are going to upgrade my laptop to Windows 7, and I'm going to uninstall any big applications I have. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the help.

I have a request for anyone who can get their own custom_stories working properly..
could you post whats inside your MainEditorSettings.cfg? I have a feeling there's something wrong with mine and I'd like to see what everyone else has. It should be in your redist folder. For Steam users I believe it's just in the main folder? Not sure.
Thank you so much.
Ba-da bing, ba-da boom.