Hopefully someone on the FG staff can answer this: What exactly is the purpose of the AI nodes? Does it control what a monster will do/where it will path when not assigned a specific path? I ask this because earlier I was testing an aspect of gameplay regarding monsters but I watched said monster wander off, and not even along the scripted path I had assigned it (but not triggered).
I also noticed each AI node's edge nodes are close to the "parent" node, if I may. This makes me think that the reason there are dozens of nodes but only a few are scripted path nodes is so that when a monster returns to its path after say, seeing and following the player across a room, it doesn't get stuck on an obstacle while returning to its original path. If this is incorrect I'd love some insight into what exactly nodes do.
I REALLY don't want my story to be one of those where you can bug out a monster in a wall and just do as you please while he derps in the corner. Thanks
Does anyone know anything about what exactly the purpose of the .nodes files are and how to create them?