sonitw Wrote:i'm french, and my english is "frenchiz" sorry.
if u have an nforce, you have to uptade this, in the nvidia website, driver audio for all nforce.
the number for allnforce ( is under the number for nforce 1/2 (6.14xx)
and may be u need have your soundcard update and the driver audio of your nforce update.
try, is working for me.
Thanks I will try that. And your English is very good

in fact it's excellent.
Edit: it seems that with my motherboard - and Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe, that updating the sound drivers is a massively messy affair to get passed what I have now without some serious work. Is there any chance that a patch will address the conflict some people have and enable me to get back into the game? Thanks.