I know, that here are many people, who don't like weapons in a FG game.
But I find the weapons and their balancing in overture very good and hate it, that you have not got back your old weapons in Black Plague.
You should have weapons, but in first line not for fighting. They should only be a must for breaking up woodern planks or sth.
You can fight with them, but you must not do it and it should be very difficult to kill an enemy with it.
You can continue run away, even if you have weapons. They should be very bad to fight.
In overture it was very good and the dogs are scary although they can be killed.
The game has more content stuff, if you have a weapon in right hand.
Please don't only make games with no weapons, you might could hide them good, that they are an optional item, what you can only find, if you have very good eyes
