So.. I've added some PathNodes and an unactive monster. (the enemy suitor from Justine).
Then i found a .nodes file called Potatoe_enemy_suitor.nodes (Potatoe is actually the name of my map, not ingame hopefully

I found out that in the main game's map there are LOOOTS of path nodes,
But in the hps file they add only few nodes at the path!
Now i want to be sure, the extra path nodes are for the enemy to come back in case of being far from the last path node reached before he can see me? Because I didn't add anything to reach for the suitor in the hps yet. But a new file has been created... So I shall add a MAIN path for the monster to go through, and add lots of other path nodes in case the monster is far from the last path node that he was on? (He would hit the wall trying to reach the next path node in a linear way, i think) ...
I mean will he reach the nearest path node then the nearest once again till he doesn't reach the main one I ordered him to reach?
This can solve lots of problems with the monsters too