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Stuck 'To Do' note.
Viking Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Stuck 'To Do' note.

One of the 'To Do' notes got stuck in my Notebook right up to the very end. Just in case it ruins it for anybody, spoiler ahoy!

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The note that is stuck is 'Red spoke of a key and some "go-go juice"?'
I can't recall the order I completed the task but I am sure I collected and used everything apart from the fuel cannister up to that point.
04-09-2007, 12:46 PM
MercenaryForHire Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Stuck 'To Do' note.

When you say stuck, do you mean stuck to the end of the game, or stuck until

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you took the lid off the gas can and used the digging machine?
04-09-2007, 01:51 PM
Viking Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Stuck 'To Do' note.

Completely stuck right up to completing the game altogether.
04-09-2007, 02:03 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Stuck 'To Do' note.

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can you remember how you played to get this? In the room where you find the key and the gasoline and red tells you about it, in what order did you collect the items and did you leave and reenter the storage room before finding both of them?
I have been trying to recreate it but not managed and accoring to the level file it is quite impossible for it to happen as you need both items and if you have them both the to do note is removed. So any info would be helpful!

04-16-2007, 02:55 PM
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Viking Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Stuck 'To Do' note.

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Sorry I can't remember the order. From what I remember I got to the excavator first of all and plugged in the cable. 2nd thing I did I managed to get the key and stuck it in the control panel. Maybe I am being silly but were the key and gasoline in the same room? If so then I only picked up one and came all the way back to pick up the gasoline. Afterwards, I found the petrol and took it back to use.
04-18-2007, 11:58 PM

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