Well, I've recently finished Heroes which was a big disappointment, I've liked Lost, Prison Break, Supernatural, Fringe and anything similar to that. Do you know any good series of that kind that I should watch?
Today I dreamt the life I could live forever. You only know that when you feel it for you know not what you like until you've experienced it.
When I just read the title of the thread I was like: "My Little Pony: FiM, hands down". Then I realized you were looking for a totally different kind of show and I got really disappointed.
Virtually any anime series. I've seen a fair few and every single one has been downright awesome - even the boring Hellsing Gonzo anime (a bit lacking in action but had a cool atmosphere & a bitchin' soundtrack).
If fate frowns, we all perish. Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
Dexter? The first season was pretty good, 2nd season started going downhill (they tried to humanize Dex and ruined his character in the process) and I haven't bothered to watch the 3rd one.
If fate frowns, we all perish. Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.