Okay this is easy, so this should progress quickly. ^^
Name="First Map" <--- Name of the custom story
Author="Mapping by Seth, Scripting by JetlinerX" <--- This is fine, but you can shorten it to just Seth & JetlinerX for now, then specify what you two did in the credits
ImgFile="" <-- If you're not including an image, this can go
MapsFolder = "maps" <-- Location of your StartMap, should be "maps/"
StartMap="test.map" <--- Name of the first map the player starts on
StartPos="PlayerStartArea_1" <--- Name of the starting area
So, it should be like this:
Name = "First Map"
Author = "Seth and JetlinerX"
MapsFolder = "maps/"
StartMap = "test.map"
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_1"
The story's actual description goes in your extra_english.lang folder.
Add this to the file:
[TAB here]<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
[TAB here, add 2 spaces]<Entry Name="Description">Your story's description here</Entry>
Remember if you want to put an enter space in the description, for example you wanted it to say:
"This is my custom story.
It's so awesome."
You have to add [br][br] to your description. Like this:
[TAB here]<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
[TAB here, add 2 spaces]<Entry Name="Description">This is my custom story.[br][br]It's so awesome.</Entry>
And there you go!

[TAB here]/[TAB here, add 2 spaces]* sorry about that, it wouldn't let me add spaces or TAB. >:c
Ba-da bing, ba-da boom.