Sorry for the inconvenience. I had ALOT of trial and error -.-
But I am nearly finished! Just got the final touches to the last room to do and the last bit of scripting!!
I just need to ask a little favor. The scripting for my first map isn't working :

I don't know why. Here's the .hps download (Made into a .txt)
EDIT: Here's the code
//Run when entering map
void OnStart()
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingText", "Cellar", 1, "");
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "deathroominsanity", "CollideInsanity", true, 1);
void CollideInsanity(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
GiveSanityDamage(20, true);
//Run when entering map
void OnEnter()
void SetPlayerLampOil(-20);
void SetPlayerSanity(-50);
//Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()
SetupLoadScreen("LoadingText", "CastleBase", 1, "");
Now the .lang isn't working

<CATEGORY Name= "CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name= "Description"> You wake up in a very eerie cellar. Your name is Jackson, after a veteran of war. [br]Just remember to check everywhere. Even the cupboards. [br][br]This is only the beginning of your nightmare...... </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name- "Ending">
<Entry Name= "MainCredits"> Dark Salvation: The Unspoken Words Part 1 Demo[br][br][br]Hallowed Games:[br]Lolnesia090 (Jackson Latham), Kendrew Handforth & Matthew Underwood[br][br]Level Creators:[br]Jackson Latham & Matthew Underwood[br][br]Scriptors:[br]Jackson Latham & Kendrew Handforth [br][br][br]Special Thanks To: Frictional Games Forum members:[br]HumiliatioN[br]nemesis567[br]ferryadams11[br]Tanshaydar[br]plutomaniac[br]Thanks for all the general game help and scriting! </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name= "Journal">
<Entry Name= "Note_Note01_Name"> Note Of Death </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note01_Text"> Don't be alarmed. I died for the better. I guess, since you are reading this, you are in a bad predicament. All you need to do is : go and find the source of the Unspoken Words. There you will find something of use; I'm not sure of what it is. Or what it does. All I know is that you need it. You may find diary entries scattered around the place from me. My name is James and in reading the entries I've scattered; you will know what to do. Now go. Whatever you do.........Don't die. </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note02_Name"> Diary Entry 1- Step One </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note02_Text"> For the unlucky someone reading this: [br] [br] Take the key I have laid next to this note and unlock a certain door with it. I can't remember which one as my memory fails me. All I can say is check all locked doors. [br] [br] Sorry for any inconvenience and best of luck. [br] [br] James </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note03_Name"> Congratulations </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note03_Text"> Since you are reading this note, I highly doudbt you are dead. [br]Now go through the door and into the main mansion area. [br]You may just find an exit to this place..... </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note04_Name"> Supplies </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note04_Text"> To whom this concerns:[br][br]Take these supplies if you don't want to go insane. There's something more to the darkness around here. [br][br]If you want to know who wrote this letter, go through the door between the big barrels.[br][br]Sincerely,[br]The only friend you have in this hellhole </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note05_Name"> A Quick Heads Up </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Note_Note05_Text"> I just thought I'd tell you, [br]It's all over for you. </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name= "Inventory">
<Entry Name= "ItemName_bigroomdoorkey_01"> a Key </Entry>
<Entry Name= "ItemDesc_bigroomdoorkey_01"> If this James guy is right, I need this key for a certain, imperative door. </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name= "M">
<Entry Name= "v1"> I need to get out of here! Why am I here anyway? </Entry>
<Entry Name= "v2"> Wha.......What was that thing?! Was that natural? </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name= "LoadingText">
<Entry Name= "Cellar"> Why have you come here? Never again you shall live a sane life........ </Entry>
<Entry Name= "Castlebase"> Never again shall he commit such sins. He didn't even expect to vicim to die. After all, it was only a practical joke....... </Entry>
<Entry Name= "MansionBaseDemo"> As he stood in the rain, staring at the people with their free lives, he thought that he was to blame. </Entry>
<CATEGORY Name= "Levels">
<Entry Name= "level1"> Underpass </Entry>
<Entry Name "level2"> Dorm Area 1 </Entry>