(07-22-2011, 09:14 PM)Dizturbed Wrote: How do i end a custom story? i really want to know.. 
Well I copied this off another person's map and tweaked it for myself. But it works.
Make a Script area. Call it
ENDGAME for now.
Put this somewhere in your code.
void ENDGAME(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddTimer("Timer", 6, "ENDGAME2");
void ENDGAME2(string &in asTimer)
StartCredits("credits", false, "Credits", "Yippie", 3);
Now go to your .lang
Put this near the bottem, but above the </LANGUAGE>
<CATEGORY Name="Credits">
<Entry Name="Yippie">+Nightmare+[br][br][br]*Created by:[br]Rapture[br][br][br]*Testing and Feedback:[br]Friends[br]Family[br][br][br]Thank you very much for playing this! Even though its my first map and its just purely for testing purposes!</Entry>
Just change the last text near the bottem. I hope it helps, tell me if I messed up and its not working.