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Two Questions
clock123 Offline

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Two Questions

Hey, I got two questions that I wanted to ask.

When you look at an item, I want a message to appear, I think it's description, how do you make that happen? I got it in my extra.english lang file, maybe can you see what's wrong?, I only added the description there though. at extra_english.lang

Spoiler below!
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Name">Room service</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Text">Servant Albert If you read this, then There's no need for cleaning here, So I already maked it up for you, have a day free of the work, just remmber not to be foolish and not screw up anything when I'm not around, I already cleaned up this place from the mess It had, So dont worry about it, And while your on your way out, can you check the storage for me later?, I'll need a 1642 dried red wine for the guests which are going to arrive soon, after that, your free to go, from, Mr.Benotti.</Entry>

<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Name">Stone Research[br] 6/11/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Text">I got a letter from Mr.Roberts telling me I have to research some normal type of rocks, see they're chemical reaction, who will shatter more if been throwen at a wall, and such... I did not tell him why he need's this research, since he paid me ten thalers I dont really care, he told me I'll get more amount of thalers If I'll just do the research with no questions bothering him, I assume he want's to build something, I'm not sure what his planning.. I better just not ask, the rocks are Lime stone and Slate,. I'll be going tommorrow to the mountions and get five samples of each rock..., And I almost forgot.. Mr.Roberts told me that I should get a few samples of coal, test different things on them, such as how long they can stay burning to react, If they're usefull after burning them, and such things.. I'll ask Mr.Roberts why he needs this research for after I'll hand him the research papers.</Entry>

<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Name">Stone Research, Day one [br] 6/12/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Text">Today I have took two kinds of stone, ten samples and five samples of coal.. and I also found another thing.. I'm not quite sure what it is... It looks like some kind of... orb.. I can't describe, not sure If I should report it to Mr.Roberts or not... Maybe I'll just keep it for myself for couple of days., I'll start the research tommorrow.</Entry>

<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Name">Stone Research , Day Two[br] 6/13/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Text">I'm close to finishing the research about the lime stone and slate stone, same as for the coal., I also felt wierd all the day I found myself waking up with the orb hugged in my arms, I feel like... strange.. like it's giving me false energies.. But I assume it's just me having a bad sleep, I also had a nightmare, I saw myself waking in a hallway in the mansion, and suddenly I saw a monster with a larged mouth monster with a big sword like something attached to his arm Luckly it was just a dream, I hope something like that will never happen.. I almost had a heart attack... but It's just a dream, Now.. For the research [br]

I have found that the Limestone with its unique characteristics, subtle beauty and great versatility , is considered the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock. [b]
is a fine grained metamorphic stone formed from clay mud; composed of sediments
of decomposed stone and organic matter that has been hardened by heat and pressure.
Since the geological process varies greatly, slates range quite a bit in hardness and porosity. And for the Slate with its natural colors, varied multicolored patterns and textures that provide this stone
As for the Coal, I have found that it's a combustible, meaning it's flamable, it's a black or brown-black sedimentary rock, normally occuring in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. Full extendsion about the stones and the coal are on the papers on my table, since I'm running out of place on this one</Entry>

<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Name">Terrible day, Terrible weekend, Terrible Month</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Text">I dont know what's happening, or what's wrong, since ever I took that orb, It's like it got connected to me I am hunderd percent sure it's giving me false energies.., for example, yesterday, I spilled some highly active acid, but I woulden't spill it just like that, I felt like something controlled me, and at the same day, I sent My servant. Albert to clean the floor and when he got out from the room his finger was off the place, Last week, I started hearing voices at the main hallway, like a girl crying , but none was there, probably my own illusion, before that, I went out to get some food for the dinner, and while on my way back to the mansion, I almost got robbed by three bandits, Luckly I escaped but they still got me well enough to make me enough pain, they shot me with an arrow in my left shoudler, luckly they didnt hit my head with the arrow, After finally I got back to the mansion, Ms.Tranbloom cleaned the wound, she didnt make the pain vanish, she only made it hurt less and so It wont get infected with bacteria and viruses., who knows what kind of things are spreading in the air? .</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">

<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Key1">Mr.Benotti's Room Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Key1">A Key for Mr.Benotti's Room.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Descriptions">
<Entry Name="Acid1">Look's like someone spilled some acid here and made a big mess.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Blood1">Look's like someone got his finger cut off, Probably because of the acid?.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Carpet1">This carpet looks pretty tight.. like it's made from wood.</Entry>

And I want to interact an item with an object or item with item , 1. How do you break a door with a crowbar?

2. I want to create an acid, just like in the normal game at the very beginning where you go to the lab and must get the flasks to create the acid pot, the items are Chemistry Pot ,jars of Orpiment, Cuprite, Aqua Regia and lastly Calamine., And when I make the acid, I want to put each chemical on that chemistry acid doing machine at the lab it will create acid for me and then I will want to use it on the pod and the pod dissapears after

the machine looks like

at part 2:24 you can see the chemical-acid doing machine. if anyone knows how to do all these things, then please tell.

sorry for my english. , thanks for anyone who helps.
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2011, 06:08 PM by clock123.)
07-24-2011, 06:03 PM
Dizturbed Offline

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RE: Two Questions

You dont have the:
Nor the
Hope it helped =)


07-24-2011, 06:31 PM
clock123 Offline

Posts: 76
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RE: Two Questions

The description still does not work, do I have to add any script in the hps file or something?

Spoiler below!

<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Name">Room service</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Text">Servant Albert If you read this, then There's no need for cleaning here, So I already maked it up for you, have a day free of the work, just remmber not to be foolish and not screw up anything when I'm not around, I already cleaned up this place from the mess It had, So dont worry about it, And while your on your way out, can you check the storage for me later?, I'll need a 1642 dried red wine for the guests which are going to arrive soon, after that, your free to go, from, Mr.Benotti.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Name">Stone Research[br] 6/11/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Text">I got a letter from Mr.Roberts telling me I have to research some normal type of rocks, see they're chemical reaction, who will shatter more if been throwen at a wall, and such... I did not tell him why he need's this research, since he paid me ten thalers I dont really care, he told me I'll get more amount of thalers If I'll just do the research with no questions bothering him, I assume he want's to build something, I'm not sure what his planning.. I better just not ask, the rocks are Lime stone and Slate,. I'll be going tommorrow to the mountions and get five samples of each rock..., And I almost forgot.. Mr.Roberts told me that I should get a few samples of coal, test different things on them, such as how long they can stay burning to react, If they're usefull after burning them, and such things.. I'll ask Mr.Roberts why he needs this research for after I'll hand him the research papers.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Name">Stone Research, Day one [br] 6/12/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Text">Today I have took two kinds of stone, ten samples and five samples of coal.. and I also found another thing.. I'm not quite sure what it is... It looks like some kind of... orb.. I can't describe, not sure If I should report it to Mr.Roberts or not... Maybe I'll just keep it for myself for couple of days., I'll start the research tommorrow.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Name">Stone Research , Day Two[br] 6/13/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Text">I'm close to finishing the research about the lime stone and slate stone, same as for the coal., I also felt wierd all the day I found myself waking up with the orb hugged in my arms, I feel like... strange.. like it's giving me false energies.. But I assume it's just me having a bad sleep, I also had a nightmare, I saw myself waking in a hallway in the mansion, and suddenly I saw a monster with a larged mouth monster with a big sword like something attached to his arm Luckly it was just a dream, I hope something like that will never happen.. I almost had a heart attack... but It's just a dream, Now.. For the research [br]
I have found that the Limestone with its unique characteristics, subtle beauty and great versatility , is considered the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock. [b]
is a fine grained metamorphic stone formed from clay mud; composed of sediments
of decomposed stone and organic matter that has been hardened by heat and pressure.
Since the geological process varies greatly, slates range quite a bit in hardness and porosity. And for the Slate with its natural colors, varied multicolored patterns and textures that provide this stone
As for the Coal, I have found that it's a combustible, meaning it's flamable, it's a black or brown-black sedimentary rock, normally occuring in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. Full extendsion about the stones and the coal are on the papers on my table, since I'm running out of place on this one</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Name">Terrible day, Terrible weekend, Terrible Month</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Text">I dont know what's happening, or what's wrong, since ever I took that orb, It's like it got connected to me I am hunderd percent sure it's giving me false energies.., for example, yesterday, I spilled some highly active acid, but I woulden't spill it just like that, I felt like something controlled me, and at the same day, I sent My servant. Albert to clean the floor and when he got out from the room his finger was off the place, Last week, I started hearing voices at the main hallway, like a girl crying , but none was there, probably my own illusion, before that, I went out to get some food for the dinner, and while on my way back to the mansion, I almost got robbed by three bandits, Luckly I escaped but they still got me well enough to make me enough pain, they shot me with an arrow in my left shoudler, luckly they didnt hit my head with the arrow, After finally I got back to the mansion, Ms.Tranbloom cleaned the wound, she didnt make the pain vanish, she only made it hurt less and so It wont get infected with bacteria and viruses., who knows what kind of things are spreading in the air? .</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Key1">Mr.Benotti's Room Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Key1">A Key for Mr.Benotti's Room.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Descriptions">
<Entry Name="Acid1">Look's like someone spilled some acid here and made a big mess.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Blood1">Look's like someone got his finger cut off, Probably because of the acid?.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Carpet1">This carpet looks pretty tight.. like it's made from wood.</Entry>


(This post was last modified: 07-24-2011, 06:52 PM by clock123.)
07-24-2011, 06:50 PM
Dizturbed Offline

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RE: Two Questions

Remove the "<RESOURCES>, maybee? I dont have it in extra_english file =)

07-24-2011, 07:01 PM
clock123 Offline

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RE: Two Questions

Nope, it wont work
07-24-2011, 07:11 PM
MrCookieh Offline

Posts: 157
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RE: Two Questions

try this one
Spoiler below!
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Name">Room service</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Mynote_Text">Servant Albert If you read this, then There's no need for cleaning here, So I already maked it up for you, have a day free of the work, just remmber not to be foolish and not screw up anything when I'm not around, I already cleaned up this place from the mess It had, So dont worry about it, And while your on your way out, can you check the storage for me later?, I'll need a 1642 dried red wine for the guests which are going to arrive soon, after that, your free to go, from, Mr.Benotti.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Name">Stone Research[br] 6/11/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note1_Text">I got a letter from Mr.Roberts telling me I have to research some normal type of rocks, see they're chemical reaction, who will shatter more if been throwen at a wall, and such... I did not tell him why he need's this research, since he paid me ten thalers I dont really care, he told me I'll get more amount of thalers If I'll just do the research with no questions bothering him, I assume he want's to build something, I'm not sure what his planning.. I better just not ask, the rocks are Lime stone and Slate,. I'll be going tommorrow to the mountions and get five samples of each rock..., And I almost forgot.. Mr.Roberts told me that I should get a few samples of coal, test different things on them, such as how long they can stay burning to react, If they're usefull after burning them, and such things.. I'll ask Mr.Roberts why he needs this research for after I'll hand him the research papers.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Name">Stone Research, Day one [br] 6/12/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note2_Text">Today I have took two kinds of stone, ten samples and five samples of coal.. and I also found another thing.. I'm not quite sure what it is... It looks like some kind of... orb.. I can't describe, not sure If I should report it to Mr.Roberts or not... Maybe I'll just keep it for myself for couple of days., I'll start the research tommorrow.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Name">Stone Research , Day Two[br] 6/13/1816.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note3_Text">I'm close to finishing the research about the lime stone and slate stone, same as for the coal., I also felt wierd all the day I found myself waking up with the orb hugged in my arms, I feel like... strange.. like it's giving me false energies.. But I assume it's just me having a bad sleep, I also had a nightmare, I saw myself waking in a hallway in the mansion, and suddenly I saw a monster with a larged mouth monster with a big sword like something attached to his arm Luckly it was just a dream, I hope something like that will never happen.. I almost had a heart attack... but It's just a dream, Now.. For the research [br]
I have found that the Limestone with its unique characteristics, subtle beauty and great versatility , is considered the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock. [b]
is a fine grained metamorphic stone formed from clay mud; composed of sediments
of decomposed stone and organic matter that has been hardened by heat and pressure.
Since the geological process varies greatly, slates range quite a bit in hardness and porosity. And for the Slate with its natural colors, varied multicolored patterns and textures that provide this stone
As for the Coal, I have found that it's a combustible, meaning it's flamable, it's a black or brown-black sedimentary rock, normally occuring in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. Full extendsion about the stones and the coal are on the papers on my table, since I'm running out of place on this one</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Name">Terrible day, Terrible weekend, Terrible Month</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Note4_Text">I dont know what's happening, or what's wrong, since ever I took that orb, It's like it got connected to me I am hunderd percent sure it's giving me false energies.., for example, yesterday, I spilled some highly active acid, but I woulden't spill it just like that, I felt like something controlled me, and at the same day, I sent My servant. Albert to clean the floor and when he got out from the room his finger was off the place, Last week, I started hearing voices at the main hallway, like a girl crying , but none was there, probably my own illusion, before that, I went out to get some food for the dinner, and while on my way back to the mansion, I almost got robbed by three bandits, Luckly I escaped but they still got me well enough to make me enough pain, they shot me with an arrow in my left shoudler, luckly they didnt hit my head with the arrow, After finally I got back to the mansion, Ms.Tranbloom cleaned the wound, she didnt make the pain vanish, she only made it hurt less and so It wont get infected with bacteria and viruses., who knows what kind of things are spreading in the air? .</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Key1">Mr.Benotti's Room Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Key1">A Key for Mr.Benotti's Room.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Descriptions">
<Entry Name="Acid1">Look's like someone spilled some acid here and made a big mess.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Blood1">Look's like someone got his finger cut off, Probably because of the acid?.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Carpet1">This carpet looks pretty tight.. like it's made from wood.</Entry>


you had a random dot (.) in your lang, and the resources.

The Well: Descent - Take a look at it!
07-24-2011, 07:38 PM
clock123 Offline

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RE: Two Questions

Wow! thanks, it works. but It doesnt seem to work on descriptions, When ever I look at something I described it, the text wont show up, Maybe because of something I did in the editor?, I choose an object , Like a moveable carpet, blood decal and acid, I made a name for each one in the editor Under "Name" and I put a name there, Anything else I should do so the descriptions will show up?
07-24-2011, 09:57 PM

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