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Stuck in penumbra demo
mrpickles Offline
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Stuck in penumbra demo

So, I've tried looking all over the internet for a walkthrough on the penumbra demo and I just can't seem to find out. I've even looked on this forum for one but I feel like my efforts have been a little misguided.

So, In the demo, I'm stuck at the part where you just got done from the underground entrance hatch. The one that takes you deeper in the mine/thing what ever. And I can't figure out what to do about the demonic wolf/dog thing just around the corner. Are you supposed to kill it ? Run from it? PLEA with it? what ?

please, any help is appreciated.

also, if you know where to find the walkthrough for the demo of this game that would mean christmas to me.
04-23-2007, 05:12 AM
jens Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

Spoiler below!
It's the end of the demo!
04-23-2007, 07:07 AM
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mrpickles Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

jens Wrote:
Spoiler below!
It's the end of the demo!

you can't be serious..

that is epically fucked up! HOly SHIT!

thats sinister.
04-29-2007, 12:29 AM
banj007 Offline

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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

mrpickles Wrote:
jens Wrote:
Spoiler below!
It's the end of the demo!

you can't be serious..

that is epically fucked up! HOly SHIT!

thats sinister.

Why don't you tone down the swearing a little and buy the game.
04-29-2007, 10:34 PM
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Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

If you wanna keep playing, you'll have to block the dogs way.

There is something little for you if you can pass the dog... Wink

04-30-2007, 02:39 PM
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banj007 Offline

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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

Scraper Wrote:If you wanna keep playing, you'll have to block the dogs way.

There is something little for you if you can pass the dog... Wink

oooooh i never demoed, i went right to full game after tech-demo. PM me what you get!!!!
05-01-2007, 08:07 PM
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Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

By the way, ain't that good thing if the Demo get's you mad when you finished it? I just means that you wan't more! Wink

05-11-2007, 07:13 PM
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Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

is the demo different than the tech demo? the one I played sounds like the one he is talking about, down the cave, dog to the right, and it ends.
If they are different, is the other available for linux? I guess it doesn't matter unless the tech was different than the full version, like different area, or different beasts, story, something
06-07-2007, 02:15 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

Jeremy-Bailey Wrote:is the demo different than the tech demo? the one I played sounds like the one he is talking about, down the cave, dog to the right, and it ends.
If they are different, is the other available for linux? I guess it doesn't matter unless the tech was different than the full version, like different area, or different beasts, story, something

Yes. They are different. But it's not available for Linux, only Windows.
But if you have Windows you can download the 2006 Tech-Demo from the following link:

Penumbra Tech Demo Download

(This post was last modified: 07-13-2007, 10:23 AM by Ano.)
06-07-2007, 11:17 AM
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Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: Stuck in penumbra demo

I'll see if wine or cedega loads it up. thank you!
06-07-2007, 12:12 PM

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