Well I'm sorry if you think I'm stupid, but I am a newb at the forums.
And thanks for advice.
I can use my custom story with the many night terrors I had when I was young.
When I say night terrors I don't mean nightmares. This is a thing that was wrong with me when I was young and doctors were actually thinking I was going to die from sleep walking.
I barely remember once
A night terror, it was a old mansion dusty and cobwebs my brother locked me in a dark room in the dream.

I tried to scream mom, but couldn't.
Finally a green hand grabbed my arm and I heard a whisper saying, " mom can't hear you" and saw a face in the corner of the dark room then my dream fades from there. Freaking creepy.
Did I just tell a whole story of my dream? Well, at least I got my idea.