You need to have an asType of "Collide" to call a collide function and an asType of "Timer" to call a timer function; the basic reasoning to why it will not work right now is because there isn't a defined asType. So, it should be
void OnStart()
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "HitDoor", "CollideCreepy", true, 0);
void CollideCreepy(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("", "ps_hit_wood", "HitArea", false);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("", "ps_hit_wood", "HitArea_1", false);
PlayGuiSound("hit_wood1.ogg", 7.0f);
PlayGuiSound("hit_wood1.ogg", 7.0f);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "21_scream9", "Creep", 0, false);
StartPlayerLookAt("cellar_wood01_slow_1", 10.0f, 10.0f, "");
AddTimer("Timer", 1.0f, "TimerNoLook");
void TimerNoLook(string &in asTimer)