I like cats and dogs, but I'd prefer getting a dog (if I had a backyard and was probably more active).
So at the moment I'd like a cat. I'm not that active to walk a dog everyday and with homework + balancing a social life and free time, I wont have much time to play with one.
So yeah, cats fit my current lifestyle better.
But this is about your cat. Which, may I add, is ADORABLE. He looks so fluffy and loving.
(08-04-2011, 04:01 PM)Frost Wrote: My mom once told me that it's "strange and uncommon" for me to not like dogs.
I haven't had the heart to tell her that I just hate all the dogs she has ever owned because they were all stupid and annoying beyond belief.
Seems like you got a stupid stereotypic mom. It's just rude to say that it's "strange and uncommon". So I guess I'm here to say this to return the favor. Make sure you let her know what I said.
(08-04-2011, 11:42 PM)Lee Wrote: Dogs may be stupid, but at least they're loyal and playful. Cats are dumber and do nothing except freeload.
I'm really tired of this stereotype; mainly because its not neccesarily true.
Except it is. Find me a cat that cares about anything.
My auntie has 2 cats. 1 is "old", whilst the daughter cat is young-middle aged.
Both of them love to snuggle and play with yarn/toys. Both of them are eager to follow you around the house (much like dogs do at times), and both are more than willing to snuggle up to you without wanting something.
Cats can be more loving and caring than everyone makes them out to be.