(08-13-2011, 10:34 PM)bagman130 Wrote: Ok, so I made a map on the level editor ON MY MAC. How do i play this level. It won't show up in my custom_stories. HELP!!!!
you need to arrange all of your folder in ther first to go to the folder
you need to press right click on the amnesia icon and click on the show content and then content/ressource/custumstory
-now you nee to create a folder where all the content for your custom story
(you can name it what ever you want)
-now create a custum story file like so "custom_story_settings.cfg"
Author="your name"
ImgFile="a jpg file for your background description"
StartMap="Map name"
StartPos="your starting position"/>
-create another folder a name it map(for all of your map and hps file
-put the jpg file you wan tin the back (optional)
-don't forget too your extra_english.lang(for all the notes and diarie mementos or anything)
so hope that