Hello anyone who cares, I've start work on a big, big project, most custom storys are 10-30 minutes long, but I have decided to take on the burden of making a full "game". My range of game time that I want to hit is at least 60-90 minutes. For those of you who know the Dawn of war story will surely love this custom game, its around the Grey Knights, my personal favorite chapter in the DoW universe.
Its a work in progress, but I would say the scripting is semi good, for those of you who scare easily and love dark gloomy atmospherics games, this is for you! *Special thanks to Nadthebat for TONS of help with scripting and a few teaching lessons*
Enjoy! Post feedback!
*note this is after only like 2 days of work and scripting, I have no plans for this week, so expect a final release of a 10-15 minute demo in about a week maybe
