Before anyone says "search the forums" yes i have. I've used the forums actually to produce the .snt file i need for any sound im using.
The problem is, it doesnt want to play the sound! I have the sound in my sounds folder in my custom story folder. (Custom_Stories/<mystoryname>/sounds) The sound is in .ogg and i did make the .snt file
The .snt looks like this:
<Sound File="pick_lock.ogg" />
<PROPERTIES Volume="1.5" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="10" Random="1" Interval="0" FadeEnd="False" FadeStart="False" Stream="True" Loop="True" Use3D="True" Blockable="False" BlockVolumeMul="1" Priority="0" />
that should be correct shouldn't it?
Please help!
EDIT: Well the sound works when i move it to the original Amnesia sounds directory...but i cant use it like that because i would be the only one that hears the sound when playing this map and no one else (unless that other person moves the sound.ogg and .snt to the amnesia sound directory, which i dont want)
still need help :/