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Work in progress A Coma Awakening: The Unknown Mysteries (All Updates on ModDb)
SonOfLiberty796 Offline
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A Coma Awakening: The Unknown Mysteries (All Updates on ModDb)



OLD UPDATES ETC. ARE BELOW vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

**The name of the story WILL have a high chance of being changed**

Hello everybody! I am working on a Custom Story for Amnesia (Inspired by basically EVERYONE on this forum) which, at first, was going to be called A Coma Awakening. However, due to some major changes in the story line, it'll be changed...almost 100% sure. There's even a chance of the story line being changed so the story your about to read may change.

The Story: A good fellow named Danny wakes up from a coma that has lasted for about a year now and he doesn't remember anything at all. The only things he remembers are his best friend, Dennis, and where he lives. Everything else, however, is a blur. His home... is cursed by an evil demon. Not only is it filled with hauntings, but something evil controls him as well. Is it this demon who controls his memory? His life? His decisions? Does this demon that controls him lie about everything he tells Danny? There is also something under his home that he doesn't even know about... or does he just not remember? Is this all reality? Or is it all a dream? Or is it both?

Here starts Danny's quest in finding the truth about him, his home, and solving the mysteries... once and for all.

What To Expect: A lot of ghostly events, monsters (of course haha), mysteries being solved (or even unsolved), interesting notes that go along with the story line, and more. So in game, there will be notes, mementos, few diaries (or maybe just one...still thinking about it), puzzles and more.

Other Things:This is my first ever Custom Story and I believe its coming out pretty well. I've been working on this Story ever since the start of August and I already have about 20-30% of the story done. I was planning to finish before school starts (Sept. 1) but that's not going to happen. So my progress may be drastically slower than usual due to school. I spend about 1-2 (or even more, the highest I've done was about 7 hours no joke.) hours everyday working on the story (Again, when schools starts, that probably will change). HOPEFULLY (and doubt it'll happen but you never know...especially, again, because of school...) I don't abandon this project. Sometimes I'll release updates, but don't expect one like every week or so. Here and there I'll release updates.

ModDb Link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/xvideogamer720x

Pictures will be on separate message.

Room/Map Progressions:

Danny's Room: 100%
Script: 100%

Danny's Room "Dark" Version: 100%
Script: 100%

Living Room : 100%
Script: 100%

Living Room "Dark" Version: 100%
Script: 100%

Guest Room: 100%
Script: 100%

Office: 100%
Script: 100%

Basement: 100%
Script: 100%

Storage Room: 100%

Underground: 100%
Script: 100%

Old Prison Entrance: 100%
Script: 100%

Old Prison Holdings: 100%
Script: 100%

Lab: 100%
Script: 100%

Sewer: 100%
Script: 100%

Ending: ?

*The levels marked with "Dark" means that it's the SAME exact room as the "original" room (ones without "dark" in their names) EXCEPT scarier, way less or NO light, possibly more events, and well, to explain in a nutshell, a scarier environment.*

**Even with any rooms/scripts that are 100% done, I still sometimes look over them and see if I should add or remove or edit things :p. But to me, still count as 100% complete when I'm done building the map and placing entities etc.**

By the way, PLEASE FORGIVE ME for having bad brightness! I understand the video is dark but I ask you kindly to PLEASE try to enjoy. I feel kind of bad for having bad brightness...AGAIN :/

Hopefully this story doesn't turn out bad or people think it sucks because again, this is my first custom story, and I have put so much hours/days of work on it. If it's terrible, then why bother going on.

What do you guys think? Smile

Picture Link:

This link has all the pictures I took of the story, in one full album. Yeah I included a lot of pics, but don't worry, none of the story is spoiled ^_^. And awesomely enough (is that even a word? lol), its all in order! So the first pic is Danny's Room and the last three pics are the Underground. So it goes from: Danny's Room (2 pics), Living Room (3 pics), Guest Room (1 pic), Office (1 Pic), Danny's Room Dark (1 pic), (I'll see if I can upload a Living Room Dark pic as I forgot to take one -__-), Basement (2 pics), Basement Storage (1 pic), Underground (3 pics). Which is the order of my maps.

Update 1 - 8/26/11: Going to post a gameplay video. Should be up soon!

Update 2 - 8/26/11: Started working on the Office room. (Won't be shown in the gameplay video)

Update 3 - 8/27/11: Finally! The gameplay video is now uploaded! But, I warn you, there are spoilers of course....EXCEPT for the secret I have planted in a room...hehe. ENJOY!!!

Update 4 - 8/31/11: Office room is done! Scripting is pretty much done as well...doing some minor tweaking here and there. By the way guys, school starts tomorrow for me :/ so hopefully I can still manage to work on this custom story.

IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!! - 9/8/11: As mentioned and warned, my progress on working on this custom story has been VERY VERY SLOW. (Haven't worked on some days at all! And when I do, it's only for like a hour or less :/) Due to me having Honor classes (hopefully everyone knows what are honor classes...),
and problems in school (with my schedule, which is finally now what I want so no more problem with that, but now its the work I have to catch up on), I HAVE A WHOLE LOT of work in school, so much that it really did stop the project for a while o.0. Also, I get homework EVERY SINGLE DAY (of course haha) and its a whole heck load too. (Not complaining though...haha) so I work on my work for like the whole day, hence, I don't have time for working on the custom story. :/ HOWEVER!!!! That doesn't mean I'm going to abandon this custom story, it means that the progress will be ULTRA SLOW. Except for weekends of course! Then I can work on it way more in the weekends

Hope you guys can understand.

Update 6 - 9/11/11: Changed the room name "Food Storage" into "Basement". Now working on Basement.

Update 7 - 9/15/11: Basement is almost completed. Underground and Storage Room maps are being planned out. Changed percentage of completion from 40% to 80%. Story is almost done!

Update 8 - 9/17/11: Basement and Storage Room maps are now done! Doing some scripting tweaks on it and other maps as well. Underground map has started. NEW PICTURES!!! (Including the Underground map).

Update 9 - 9/17/11: Underground map is done! Old Prison is in progress.

Update 10 - 9/18/11: This story is becoming longer than I thought o.0 Now I have to work on a Lab, Sewer, and Prison Holdings. I'm pretty sure the Sewer map will be the last one...but I can't be for sure as I alway make new ideas. Old Prison Entrance map is now done, just working on script.

HUGE UPDATE! - 9/22/11: My mod is now on ModDb! Big Grin It's been up for 2 days now and already over 50 people have viewed my custom story and 2 members are following it! This is great news for me because now I know that my story is getting more views from members, so this inspires me to keep going and finish off the custom story. Link is down below! Oh and I'm working on the Lab room as of right now. Done with mapping, now scripting. Also started working on Old Prison Holdings map.


IMPORTANT UPDATE 2 - 9/29/11: And yet again, STUPID SCHOOL has held me back from working on this. I've been making very very slow progress in this due to all the darn work school is putting me through :/ My goal was to release this in the end of September...but unfortunately, it may not happen :/ BUT FOR SURE in early/mid October I WILL release this! I ask, yet again, to PLEASE PLEASE be patient. I love you guys for supporting Big Grin and I WONT let you down! Hell, I PROMISE YOU GUYS, I will finish this story!!

Update 13 - 10/4/11: All maps are now COMPLETED! Now just working on the scripts for the maps and tweaking some stuff here and there. Making sure everything is working fine etc.

Update 14 - 10/7/11: Almost completed the story finally! Note that in another version(s) (like v1.1 etc.) I WILL make another ending for this custom story, something better. =) Not like the ending right now is bad, its just I want to create different versions of this custom story to add more better things like endings, rooms, storylines etc. It's also so I can keep this story alive for a while

Anyway, hopefully I can finish the custom story soon!

Update 15 - 10/9/11: New gameplay video is out! Check it out on my ModDb page! Reason why I didn't upload to YT is because...its 23 minutes long! (And thats a speedrun o.0) Yes, it shows the WHOLE STORY, except on its "beta/demo" stages. And I sense it coming out VERY VERY SOON!! Stay tuned!

BTW I reached 1,000 viewers in my ModDb page! That's amazing! A great accomplishment! Thank you all for viewing it ^_^

Heres the ModDb link again: [url]http://www.moddb.com/mods/xvideogamer720x[/url]

Update 16 - 10/13/2011: Well guys...I have to break the promise. This is the worst update ever. The stupid maps won't load any longer (Always give me an error when trying to run it, the game crashes and gives me this useless code and whatever). What's worse is its random. Sometimes some maps work, then they dont. Sometimes almost none of them work. And so on....So I'm really really sorry guys, but I doubt it's coming out anytime soon. Because there is a chance I have to start ALL the way over. I might have lost my work due to this stupid piece of crap error. As you may or may not tell, I'm very angry and upset, as all that work (about two months) gone, by one STUPID program. I'm guessing it was the "MapView" crap because I used that, and now it doesn't work after using it...not to mention when I try to use some maps on the "MapView" program, it just crashes, just like the game. So I'm guessing that pile of worthless dump corrupted my map.

I'm really really sorry guys. I hope you can forgive me in breaking the promise for the release of this in mid-october.

No, I'm not abandoning it....least not yet. But if it is to the point where I have to create EVERYTHING from scratch...I'm done. There is absolutely no way I will do that. Took up too much time. Not to mention I'm very busy with school....

So there you have it...the worst update ever.

Update 17 - 10/16/11: Thanks to Your Computer on these forums, EVERYTHING WORKS FINE NOW!!! So I can continue on working on this! I thank him so so much, I don't even know how to repay him!

Still, the C.S probably won't be released Mid-Oct :/ (due to it being "paused" for about 5 days). But hey, I'm back working on it! ^_^

Also, the name of the story, and even the story itself, has changed. The story description also has more detail in it.

Since the story line has changed, I may have to require more time in order to make the story make sense. So expect it to maybe come out a bit sooner. I want to make this a good C.S, not just a randomly made story that has a story line that doesn't make sense.

Update 18 - 10/20/11: I'm working on the ending as of right now. Actually, I changed my mind, I rather include the "better/worked" ending now than in another version, because I realize the ending I had planned out for the v1.0 of this C.S., didn't make sense, was stupid, and would make people disappointed.

So I decided to work on the ending FULLY. Almost done! By the way, it has A LOT of voice narration, which I did all myself. So I hope it was worth it.

Update 19 - 10/25/11: Everything seems to be going very well! The ending is almost completed, which by the way, has a WHOLE TON of dialogue. It pretty much sums up the story. Hopefully you guys like it, because it took me a whole damn day just to get all the scripts working for the "conversation" they had (which was about over 20 timer and effect voice scripts/commands).

I had my doubts about this ending as well, thinking it would make no sense, but it's too much work to be thrown away, and I've already used about a week just working on it. So it's going into the final.

Update 20 - 10/29/11: As thought of, and actually requested by someone, I'm working on this to be a FULL CONVERSION. I mean, why the heck not? Hehe, it does have like about a hour or two (depends how you play) of gameplay (not to mention, a DLC I'm working on for this Custom.....I mean, Full Conversion ^_^)

Already got the map background done and the logo

I'll try to switch/change what the selections say (Like instead of "new game", it will be "wake up") in another version.

Stay tuned! (:

Update 21 - 11/5/11: Haven't updated for about a week now, sorry. I've been busy with school again, since the first quarter is ending already and I had to make sure i had everything good to go.

Anyway, that's not the point. I've been working on this project slower than usual. However, I'm trying my best to work on it as much as I can

But, I began realizing, that this FC (Full Conversion) I'm making is needing a lot of work still. Like I've said before, I want this FC (well NOW FC, instead of Custom Story (CS) ) to be good and nice (not expecting like "OMG THIS WAS SO FREAKIN AWESOME" this and that, I'm just expecting "Oh this was good, the maps/scares we're good..." (and so forth, nothing special).

Besides, this is my first CS/FC anyway, so I really don't expect it to blow up and give me "popularity" (which, by the way, I don't care about). All I care about is creating something good, something that people will enjoy, and that's it. I expect nothing in return of course, though, reviews and lets plays would be nice...but again, this is my first CS/FC, so I don't expect something like that to happen .

I know I've said that I would release this on a couple of dates (Early Oct. , Mid to End Oct. , and (this was a surprise, but failed) Halloween.) yet, I failed. I am sorry, truly I am, but I didn't want to release something I was still uncomfortable with as I knew there was still a lot of work to do in order to improve this. If I were to release it way back when (when I had a crappy ending, crappy narration, and some errors that I found and so forth...), this FC would have failed. Hence, I'm taking up AS MUCH TIME AS I NEED. I won't mention a release date/month of this CS/FC again, so that I don't get people's hopes up and/or not keeping my word.
(That is, until I'm 100% sure that a certain date will be the release of A.C.A. (The initials of this FC) )

Anyways, that's all I had to say for now. Keep on staying tuned and remember, I'm going to take as much time as I need to make this FC at least decent.

Hope you guys can understand - Xvideogamer720X

P.S: Yeah I use a lot of initials (Like FC,CS,A.C.A. and so on) just so I can type faster so yeah, sorry if you hate it when I use those.

Update 22 - 11/13/11: Did a MAJOR change in this FC. I am creating another ending (yet again) as I realized the ending I had made didn't really make a lot of sense AND had horrible voice acting. (Which, is all me, nobody else). So I threw it out. (About 2 hours of work gone, but hey, it happens right?)

Might have to post another video, but I am not sure yet.
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2011, 12:14 AM by SonOfLiberty796.)
08-24-2011, 11:40 PM
Mosnye Offline

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RE: A Coma Awakening

Sounds awesome to me, looking forward to this one!

[Image: a.jpg]
08-24-2011, 11:51 PM
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Juby Away
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RE: A Coma Awakening

I would advise against creating and releasing a demo, as it will take up a decent amount of time that could be spent towards progress on the actual story and it can completely spoil immersion and gameplay and such. Trailers are a good alternative in my opinion. I hope you get around to finishing this Smile

Insanity. Static.
08-25-2011, 12:00 AM
SonOfLiberty796 Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening

(08-25-2011, 12:00 AM)Juby Wrote: I would advise against creating and releasing a demo, as it will take up a decent amount of time that could be spent towards progress on the actual story and it can completely spoil immersion and gameplay and such. Trailers are a good alternative in my opinion. I hope you get around to finishing this Smile

Yeah that's exactly on my mind. And thank you Smile

(08-24-2011, 11:51 PM)Mosnye Wrote: Sounds awesome to me, looking forward to this one!

Thanks! Big Grin
08-25-2011, 12:05 AM
JenniferOrange Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening

Sounds great, though some of the pictures were too dark and I couldn't see what was in the room. Sad

Ba-da bing, ba-da boom.
08-25-2011, 02:28 AM
Tenno Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening

Nice screens, interesting story, looking quite promising, good luck Smile

[Image: 29069he.gif]
08-25-2011, 07:32 AM
SonOfLiberty796 Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening

(08-25-2011, 07:32 AM)Tenno Wrote: Nice screens, interesting story, looking quite promising, good luck Smile

Thank you very much! Smile

(08-25-2011, 02:28 AM)JenniferOrange Wrote: Sounds great, though some of the pictures were too dark and I couldn't see what was in the room. Sad

Because that's for you to figure out what else is in the room Wink haha
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2011, 07:12 PM by SonOfLiberty796.)
08-25-2011, 07:48 AM
SonOfLiberty796 Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening (Update - 9/6/11)


Hopefully it isn't bad to do a bump. I just want more feedback though thats why :/ (this custom story was moved all the way to page 14 o.0)
09-07-2011, 11:37 PM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: A Coma Awakening (Update - 9/6/11)

This looks amazing.

Keep up the good work, and stay away from Paper Mario...

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
09-08-2011, 12:43 AM
Mosnye Offline

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RE: A Coma Awakening (Update - 9/6/11)

Haha, don't even dream about him, its dangerous! 0.o

[Image: a.jpg]
09-08-2011, 01:16 AM
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