Post in this thread to help grab Valve's attention. I don't know if it will work but this is what the developers said we should do and I want Penumbra for Steam!
Some of the people on the Steam forum are being nice while others are pretending to be moderators, but that fact aside pretty much everyone is claiming it is up to the developer to contact Valve/Steam to put their game up. I think this sounds accurate since I have seen very poor games on Steam so I don't see why Penumbra couldn't be on it. It seems a general opinion though that it is up to YOU to get it on Steam, and not us or Valve. What did Valve/Steam tell you guys because you seem to be claiming the opposite?
Your best bet... would be to e-mail Gabe Newell himself. He's very good at responding to e-mail's and listening to the fans/gamers out there.
This is how he's gotten interested in other games before, so chances are e-mailing him couldn't hurt. He's responded to some I've sent him in the past. He's a very nice guy so I think if someone from Frictional Games were to contact him and explain the game... maybe link the demo/tech demo... he could be into it.
Sorry to revive this, but with the release of Black Plague coming.....
any chance of coming on Steam again ? Id really love to own both games on it. Whats stopping you ? .