Hello there.
Sorry if this isn't the right section for my question, but the I guess I'm right.
So I was going to set up a Total Conversion, went after this thread, to make it fully isolate:
Next step for me, was to replace the players stepping sounds.
But after changing the destination sound files in the .snt's, I got a black blox, when I start to move in my TC
Is there something else, what should be changed?
Here's one of the .snt's:
<Sound File="step_walk_dirt_custom01" />
<PROPERTIES Volume="0.7" MinDistance="4" MaxDistance="12" Random="1" Interval="0" FadeEnd="False" FadeStart="False" Stream="False" Loop="False" Use3D="True" Blockable="True" BlockVolumeMul="0.7" Priority="0" />
I only changed the
<Sound File="">
nothing else.
Anyone knows what to do?