(09-03-2013, 01:14 PM)Retomathic Wrote: High-End NVIDIA GeForce 400 / AMD Radeon HD 6000 series.
I have no idea with gpu's so just asking (it's probably a noob question)
If I buy a pc with AMD 7000 series or NVIDIA 700, is that better? or are these series differently build so I have to watch what it is. or is there a place where the thing with gpu's are explained. 
The "series" of a graphics card is defined by the first digit of the model, for example 7xxx, and 6xxx. If the rest of the three numbers are identical then the newer series is almost always better.
HOWEVER that's where the second digit comes in. The second digit will determine the power of the graphics card, also usually higher the better, for example a ATI 5850 would be better than a ATI 5750.
Series, and power numbers both play into how good a graphics card is overall, so you'd do best to cross reference those to figure out which is better.
Here's a little general rule I like to follow, but there's a ton of variables so it's never always reliable:
When comparing two graphics cards, if the two graphics cards' series numbers are not further than 1 apart, then the one with the higher second digit is the better one. If the second digits are the same, then the one with a higher series number is better.
Again there a re a ton of variables to this so the above rule is really only applicable like 60% of the time I'd say by average (I pulled that percentage out of my ass btw so take it with a pinch of salt.)