(09-20-2013, 05:24 AM)Statyk Wrote: (09-19-2013, 08:38 AM)Jim Wrote:
Oh god, yes. I used to play this on the SCHTHACK server for PC a couple months ago since the actual servers were shut down. It was quite a nice run til I found out it had a virus type file in it. I had to uninstall and was sad to not be able to play it anymore =[
PSO2 for PC is available in Japan now, and there are ways of out-of-country players like EU and NA to torrent it and get language patches, but I'm sitting here hoping that they'll eventually release to NA soon. I don't want to have to go through that whole process. My sister has it working though, so it's possible.
I can't believe I forgot about this game. Used to play it like crazy! Rare drops and events were the best. 
Sega pretty much hate America, so PSO2 isn't coming to North America any time soon, if ever. Give the JP version a try. It's not AMAZING, but it beats the shit out of Phantasy Star Universe. Plus, the game has been fan-patched and is like 80% translated to English now, if not more. (Most importantly, the menu being in English helps a LOT.)
I'm Lv. 50-something and I frequently help people out with PSO2-related issues on pso-world.com. (I wrote the guide on how to purchase AC that's in the sticky!)
My name on there is "Jim" as well.
On topic: Speaking of Sega... Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine!