Perhaps the afterlife is simply your last thoughts looping endlessly. Kinda like when someone throws a bright flash in your face and you feel like you see the outlines of them in your eyes for a long time after.
Maybe the last thought that loops is so short that it resembles a skipping record player.
I don't really believe it, but whatever. What happens post-life is interesting. I imagine it's simply a black screen that lasts forever, but whatever happens to the consciousness? It stops yeah, but how does it feel to no longer exist? Must be hella boring, if only you could feel bored.
It's not going to be a black screen at all. Black is the absence of light, not the absence of visual input. The only way to possibly imagine losing visual input would be something like transitioning from a higher to a lower dimension, like from nD to (n-1)D. Whatever line created the nth dimension is no longer there, and you cannot attempt to perceive something of that dimension.
Consciousness is like a function in the sense that it constantly takes in input and constantly spills output. So, post-life would be as interesting as a machine that just shut off. It's just sitting there, not doing anything. We wouldn't feel anything, because with all inputs off, we'll have transitioned to some zero-dimensional existence, incapable of perception (even a black screen is 2D perception).
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2015, 12:34 AM by Froge.)
Yeah alright a black screen specifically is unlikely. I was just comparing it to nothingness. Shame we'll never know what it feels like. I guess the closest we can get is someone telling a near-death experience like coma or heart stop where they technically die but can be revived. But even so, most people probably experience such differently, and we won't know if they're even telling the truth. Some people will be like "I saw God" so maybe it's just a mix of visualized feelings.