As far as the log says, the game needs GLSL Shader v1.20
My Mobile Intel 965/X3100 on XP x86 has v1.10, which is quite old. I use the latest driver 13.Jan.2010 v6.14.10.5218, supposedly OpenGL 2.0.0 with 69 extensions. Same situation with Win7.
wiki:GLSL. See also
This is sad, because there are not much (fairly new) Open-GL Games today, so few people would really complain, like now, with every new OpenGL game released.
To test GPU capabilities try
GPU Caps Viewer.
OpenGL & OpenGL Utility Specifications
My conclusion: In order to use GLSL Shader v1.20+, you need Intel 4xxx and above. I have not found a list with all IGPs concerning GLSL Shader support (which is mainly a driver issue). According to specs, OpenGL 2.0 supports GLSL Shader officially. For the X3100 and similar, this seems like a bunch of paper features.
The real mobile enthusiast might take
this path.