I downloaded the trilogy from the website, and went to run the installers. Overture installed correctly, but when I went to install the other ones (after backing them up to another drive to be on the safe side) I got these problems:
joshupetersen@Seikatsu:~/Desktop$ sh PenumbraBlackPlague-2567.sh
Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: d3dc45664409614dbdf086b425e72dde is different from ebbdedfae81d8dd3e70b52589ced6258
joshupetersen@Seikatsu:~/Desktop$ sh PenumbraRequiem-2985.sh
Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: f87d7d383121de6e5a477df20255acae is different from 902e44ef4d7bad9ebbaa865bbd5578cf
This was actually the second time I had tried to download and run the programs, and I'm pretty darn sure the files downloaded just fine.
I ran an installer from one of the files earlier, one I knew was fine... but when I went back to try and run it again later, I got this:
joshupetersen@Seikatsu:/media/BigDrive/Ubuntu Downloads$ sh PenumbraOverture-1.0.2553.sh
Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: dbfb93c1f9429521b20972da92cf766b is different from b935bf51819c941ba2da19ede79e157c
How can I make them work? Do the files not like being copied or moved or something? Do I need to re-download them again and then not move them? (Which would make backing them up to another drive difficult.)