It's the same for me - I just bought and downloaded the Collection and Penumbra Overture wouldn't start. When I tried to start Black Plague I got the usual "do you really want to start this downloaded program"-Warning and stopped there (by clicking "no"). So I suspected a problem with the licence: I had previously bought and installed Overture. So I removed the "stand-alone"-Overture and the folder "Frictional Games" from ~/Library/Preferences. Now neither Overture nor Black Plague will start
In the Collection Starter, nothing happens when I click on any Program Icon, if I go via Finder into the respecive folder and try to start a program from there all I get is an error message ("Sie können das Programm "Penumbra" nicht öffnen, da es möglicherweise beschädigt oder unvollständig ist." - You cannot open the program "Penumbra", possibly because it is damaged or incomplete).
Are there any more "Frictional" configuration files I might have missed?
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown."
-- H.P.Lovecraft