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Does amnesia have deeeeper meaning? Cult of Amnesia?
Hi, I'm trying to figure out the game developers ideas and if they are relevant to some ideas I've had.
Carl Sagan believes our make up is over 90% stardust.
Some people believe that "Shadow" is the universe itself. The fleshy residue is left behind by Shadow.
In Mithraism, Mithra is referred to, not as the Sun, but the Creator of the Sun. What if Shadow is Mithra or some lesser form of him.
Most can agree our ancient ancestors had some great connection with the stars. Whether it be aliens, god/s, or that fact they had less technology and more free time to study their environments; they had some insight everyone today lacks.
Dark matter in science is believed to be a chunk of the universe that is missing. Although it is believed to emit no light, what if the Orbs are trapped Dark matter. What if Dark matter is that doorway to the place we don't know. What if it is the last percent of matter needed to craft a human soul. It is the keeper of time and knowledge. When Daniel touched the orb he saw things he could barely describe.
What if the orb is Dark matter and Shadow, the universe allowed our ancient ancestors to have access to it. And tried to teach us things and how to protect it until we became greedy like Alexander.
Ultimately we know Shadow wants Alexander dead. What if Weyer and Agrippa were contacted by Shadow and convinced to turn on Alexander. In doing so Shadow sent Daniel to save Agrippa and killed him quickly so he could be saved and enlightened after life. Or in the another ending simply freed for having the pure conscious and realizing himself before it was to late.
There's a few other ideas I have but I have been reading and speculating for hour now. Many of my ideas have slipped my mind before I wrote them down.
02-15-2014, 01:32 PM |