(03-28-2014, 04:26 PM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: (03-28-2014, 03:04 PM)Reminiscity Wrote: I only manage to make the prop rotate constantly. I want it to rotate 120 degrees then stop. I guess I could calculate how long it takes for the prop to rotate 120 degrees then stop it but that doesn't seem very robust cuz if the calculations are off just a tiny bit then after several clicks by the player it will no longer work.
What you could do is just make it rotate and then add a timer that allows it to stop (and un-interactable if you want).
Yeah that was what I was thinking but it feels pretty weak. If the prop rotates even 121 degrees during the timers delay it will make my puzzle broken if the player decides to spam click 30 times for reasons unknown xD
Maybe I should have explained why it must be exactly 120 degrees. I have a wheel with 3 images attached to it with even distances from eachother. When the player clicks an area the wheel rotates to show a different image in front of the player. It has to spin 1/3 of a full spin (120 degrees) each time the player clicks.