(03-28-2014, 08:10 PM)Mudbill Wrote: Oh, right. I remember now. Yeah there are troubles using it above the max rotation. I guess that makes this not work. I think using that script would be the only way then.
I once made an entity that was continuously rotating in a loop. I used the script
RotatePropToSpeed("ts_vinyl_1", 5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f, -360.0f, 0.0f, false, "");
And the object's settings looked like this:
It says on the page that the entity must be a StaticObject prop, but this worked fine for me using a MoveObject with the script.
Perhaps it gives you some ideas as to what to try out. I'm sure this is possible. Perhaps putting 120 in the places I put 360, and not have AutoMove on.
This is was I tried just before posting the thread
RotatePropToSpeed("area_symbol_1_wheel", 1, 1, 120, 0, 0, true, "");
That contantly spins the prop which is not what I want but it seems like the only way. So it's back to the timer method, that is, letting the prop spin constantly and then stop it with a timer with like 10 decimals xD Obviously my timer will not have 10 decimals since I have to mostly rely on my eyes but maybe 3 decimals.
If I knew what the speed of the rotation is measured in then I could calculate how long it has to be spinning. Right now the speed is 1... but what does that mean? 1 degree a second? No, that much I'm sure of derp xD But that would be the key to calculating an exact delay for the timer I guess.