(08-19-2011, 10:18 AM)plutomaniac Wrote: I saw it. It looks a lot like a graphics card issue, that's why I said these things above. Are you sure your graphics card is running fine? Have you overclocked it maybe? Does that happen only at that place, nowhere else?
Ok this is in a different part of the game, a little further than where I was earlier, I just figured id play through a little more to get out of that particular area and see if it happened in a different area and it did. I ran driver sweeper and installed the newest graphics drivers no overclock, temps and fans are fine....minus the physix driver which fails everytime even with a clean install....cant figure that out for the life of me haha. Anyways, Im uploading a new video to my youtube, this time full screen and like i said a different area of the game. All my other games run completely fine and no glitches whatsoever, so im really confused about this one. Heres a link for a second full screen hd video from fraps. View in 720p for best res of course and full screen. sorry again about it being so dark but thats the lanterns fault :-).