I had bought Amnesia in the past, and I thought I'd try installing/playing the game on my Linux PC.
After starting the game I went through the the initial screens of text, and gamma setup. However, when the game gets to the loading screen with the sun emblem, the game crashes.
I don't have a clue as to what the problem might be, but I'll try to give some basic information that could lead to a solution.
I'm using a Radeon 6790 GPU.
Here is the contents of the "hpl.log" file, just in case...
Version 1.20 - s2D5A46E7-539
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Engine build ID 20110513114747
Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module
Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers
Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1440x900 bpp:32 fs:1 ms:0 gpufmt:2 cap:'Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Loading...' pos:(-1x-1)
Setting video mode: 1440 x 900 - 32 bpp
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Vendor: Mesa Project
Renderer: Software Rasterizer
Version: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.3
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Max user clip planes: 6
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 0
Multisampling: 1
Texture compression: 1
Texture compression S3TC: 0
Auto generate MipMaps: 1
Render to texture: 1
Max draw buffers: 8
Max color render targets: 8
Packed depth-stencil: 1
Texture float: 0
GLSL Version: 1.20
ShaderModel 2: 1
ShaderModel 3: 1
ShaderModel 4: 0
OGL ATIFragmentShader: 1
Setting up G-Bugger: type: 0 texturenum: 3
WARNING: System does not support float textures! Edge smooth is disabled.
Adding engine materials
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.8pre Aug 5 2010
Version Number: 168
Adding engine post effects
Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL
Available OpenAL devices:
0. PulseAudio Software(OpenAL default)
1. ALSA Software on default
2. ALSA Software on HDA ATI SB [ALC892 Analog] (hw:0,0)
3. ALSA Software on HDA ATI SB [ALC892 Digital] (hw:0,1)
4. ALSA Software on HD-Audio Generic [HDMI 0] (hw:1,3)
Trying to open device 'ALSA Software on default'... Success!
Number of mono sources: 32
Streaming setup: 4 Buffers x 262144 bytes each
Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions
User Initialization
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise00.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise00.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise01.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise01.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise02.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise02.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise03.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise03.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise04.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise04.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise05.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise05.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise06.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise06.dds'!
ERROR: Could not create GL texture hud_hurt_noise07.dds
ERROR: Could not load texture 'hud_hurt_noise07.dds'!
Game Running
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/floor/cobbled_stone.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/floor/cobbled_stone.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase_floor.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase_floor.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/decals/trail_floor.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/trail_floor_additive.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/decals/trail_floor.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/trail_floor_additive.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture C:/Users/Skywolf/Desktop/FrictionalGames09-2008/frictionalSVN/lux/redist/static_objects/decals/dirt_stain_large.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'textures/decals/dirt_stain_large.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/tunnelbase/special/tunnel.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/tunnel.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall_iron_bars.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall_iron_bars.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/particles/materials/ps_rose_petal.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/rose_petals.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture F:/Amnesia/redist/static_objects/decals/dirt_floor03.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/dirt_floor03.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/decals/dirt_floor02.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/dirt_floor02.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/floor/cobbled_stone.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/floor/cobbled_stone.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/technical/plane_black/plane_black.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/technical/plane_black/plane_black.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/menu_wall.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/static_objects/dungeonbase/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/special/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/dungeonbase/wall/dungeonbase.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture F:/Amnesia/redist/static_objects/decals/dirt_floor03.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/dirt_floor03.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/static_objects/decals/dirt_floor02.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'static_objects/decals/dirt_floor02.mat'
Cache Loading: 1424 ms
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/entities/lamp/torch_static01/torch_static01.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/lamp/torch_static01/torch_static01.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/particles/materials/ps_torch_fire.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'particles/materials/ps_torch_fire.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/billboards/halo_torch.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'billboards/halo_torch.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture E:/lux/redist/entities/lamp/torch_static01/torch_static01.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/ornament/torchholder_empty/torch_static01.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/billboards/bb_lightyellow_lightray.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'G:/amnesia/redist/billboards/bb_lightyellow_lightray.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture /usr/games/Amnesia/entities/special/key_jar/key_jar_details.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/bottle/amnesia/key_jar_details.mat'
ERROR: Could not create GL texture G:/amnesia/redist/entities/bottle/amnesia/amnesia_bottle_menu.dds
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/bottle/amnesia/amnesia_bottle_menu.mat'
Entities: 80 ms
Compilation: 1 ms
Total: 1509 ms
Meshes created: 26
Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------
Anyone know of a possible solution?

Solved by switching to ATI's proprietary drivers. Sort of figured that would end up being the solution at first, but didn't want to go through the trouble of installing them. However, after re-reading the "Known Issues" thread, I figured that switching to proprietary would be the only solution.
Oh well, after a small bit of configuration, the proprietary drivers seem to be running the game correctly. Problem solved.