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Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

So no matter where you are you get a framedrop? And if you press ESC does the menu run correctly? Could you use Fraps or soemthing and check the fps of the menu?
05-21-2007, 04:31 PM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

The menu's run flawlessly. 60 fps stable.

For a while looking at the metaldoor at the begining of the level (the locked one) gave me an FPS of 2-13, but gradually evened out to the same fps as the rest of the room (around 0-1 fps).

The game prior to this level has run close to flawlessly aswell. Minor FPS drops at moments but mostly quite stable, and atleast playable. It feels quite strange that the game should start behaving like this suddenly at this level. :S

But as I said, I've encountered earlier in game that some places lower the fps gradually and then leave the whole level at the same sluggish fps, as if that place infinitly started using resources, and then didn't free them when I left the place. I never checked with a diagnostics program what resources it was using because I was able to avoid these places, but now when I load the game it's already in this state from the begining. :S
05-21-2007, 09:33 PM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)


So once the framedrops starts there is no "turning back", rigth?

Strange indeed, I will ponder this, but I afraid I have other things to do the coming days. Perhaps Luis or Edward can work something out Smile
05-21-2007, 09:48 PM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Thanks. I dunno if there is any going back in the fps anywhere else in the level, but the begining seems to point to that there isn't. I could try to explore as far as the next level, but it will be hard, having less than a frame per second (avoiding enemies could be hard). Thanks anyway, and hope you can figure something out Smile I'll continue trying to experiment with settings and such Smile Btw, is there nothing weird with the log, like the fact that it's screaming that textures are missing :S Seemed a bit weird, but maybe its suposed to be there XD

Thanks Smile
05-21-2007, 09:52 PM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak (Not Solved) (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

I changed all these variables:
<Physics PhysicsAccuracy="0" UpdatesPerSec="2.000000" />

And I ran it under Very Low shader.

This made the game have an FPS that was playable atleast, but it looks so awfull so its still unplayable XD

It was still the same thing, that my FPS was best looking at the door where I spawned, and bad when trying to look anywhere else in the spawnroom, or the rest of the mine

I'll continue to experiment with these variables, and try to figure out which is the one that is the most important. (Can't right now though, got stuff to do).

EDIT: Could it be that some files are missing and that my cpu is hitting the roof because the game engine is trying to render something that doesn't exist? In the log it mentions several files that are missing. Is that normal?

EDIT2: Noticed now that CPU usage doesn't go down in the menus... The menus run flawlessly, but the cpu is still running at 100% usage.
05-24-2007, 12:55 PM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Upgraded to the 7.5 catalyst drivers. No improvement, but made other games crap so I will revert back probably any day now to 7.4.

Could it be that some files are missing and that my cpu is hitting the roof because the game engine is trying to render something that doesn't exist? In the log it mentions several files that are missing. Is that normal?

I can run Doom III at low-medium settings.
06-07-2007, 02:13 PM
Abysmal Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Blanel Wrote:Upgraded to the 7.5 catalyst drivers. No improvement, but made other games crap so I will revert back probably any day now to 7.4.

Could it be that some files are missing and that my cpu is hitting the roof because the game engine is trying to render something that doesn't exist? In the log it mentions several files that are missing. Is that normal?

I can run Doom III at low-medium settings.

I have a similar problem. I dont think its missing files, becuase if teh game was missing files, it'd probably not even run. or, it'd whine about the file. (at least thats what i think it would do). My situation is that the game runs just fine just about 90% of the time, but then when I get to certain parts in the game, it gets real laggy for some odd reason. I think it has to do with those
Spoiler below!
giant worms
As soon as I got to that first one, the game got laggy as hell... So I changed my resolution down to 800 x 600. That seemed to help a lot.... But, I was just playing it just now and it got laggy again. I'm at the part with
Spoiler below!
shaft 12, 13, and the refinery area.

So Thomas, you think this severe slowdown is because of altering settings.cfg? I think its unlikely seeing as I'm not the only one with this problem. Btw, I was just curious... When is the patch for Overture coming out????

Hmmm, interesting. Apparently, quitting and then reloading the game gets rid of the lag. *scratches head* I guess on first load of the game for the night it lags like hell, but then when you reload its fine again. strange. [/edit]

te audire no possum, musa sapienum fixa est in aura
06-12-2007, 06:54 AM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Are you playing the game with the Quicksave-hack? I'm not, but I will try it if It might remove the lagg... I had trouble at the same places as you, and mainly most enemy encounters... I get the feeling that lots of enemy activity starts this lagg. As I mentioned before, I'm in a quite AI severe enviroment the moment before entering the next area, and the game is extremly sluggish there... When I enter the next area (where Im now stuck) the lagg is still there. Its very strange.
06-12-2007, 02:57 PM
Abysmal Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Blanel Wrote:Are you playing the game with the Quicksave-hack? I'm not, but I will try it if It might remove the lagg... I had trouble at the same places as you, and mainly most enemy encounters... I get the feeling that lots of enemy activity starts this lagg. As I mentioned before, I'm in a quite AI severe enviroment the moment before entering the next area, and the game is extremly sluggish there... When I enter the next area (where Im now stuck) the lagg is still there. Its very strange.

Nope, I didn't bother with the "hack".... I have messed with settings.cfg and enabled simple swing for example though.

te audire no possum, musa sapienum fixa est in aura
06-12-2007, 04:53 PM
Blanel Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)

Ah. Might be shitty to call it a hack, but its kinda messing with the cfg file... But that shouldnt change this though. I still have my belief that this might be buggy AI or something. Interesting would be if one could turn off AI to see if there is an improovement Smile
06-12-2007, 07:33 PM

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