Hey all! I've been working on my own custom story, and I figure I'll give you some info on what to expect, should you choose to download and play it.
Victor Ryland, the head priest of the local church, is on his way home after a particularly tiring day. Hearing cries of anguish in the distance, he rushes to see what is happening. When he arrives at the crossroads, he finds nothing but a pool of blood. Hearing a noise, he spins around, only to see talons lash out at him. The power of the blow causes him to crumple to the ground. As the world darkens around him, he can hear the sounds of battle as his kinsmen battle against this unknown adversary.
(Requires Justine)
- Multiple Paths
- Three endings (or more, depending on if I keep one of the paths I intend to create)
- Divine Intervention
- No Crowbar puzzles!

- Cinematic moments
- And more that I may have forgotten to put on this list.
Screenshots can be found here:
Not yet ready for full release. Though I could really use a few playtesters to see if I'm doing things right. If interested, feel free to reply to this thread or PM me.
After hearing feedback from various testers, I've decided to release this. With modification from my original, I present to you, Unsterblich.
Second fix. This time actually starting you on the first map, not the third. Gah.
Sorry, sorry, sorry!