Hello Frictional Games Forum!
I've been working on my very first custom story for a week now.
So far it's looking pretty good.
I have some problems though, with scripting!
I've made a wake-up script. It works wonderful. The player wakes up in the middle of a forest and has no clue why he's there.
A message is displayed: "Oh god... My head... Wha-... What happened?"
Basic story...
Anyways: I'm trying to make a Screen Message show when he LEAVES the first area (PlayerStartArea is inside this bigger area, which i named).
The message that i want displayed is as following: "I... I remember seeing someone. In the forest."
My .lang file currently looks like this:
<LANGUAGE> <CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain"> <Entry Name="Description">Dark approaches.[br][br]Your camp's bonfire is beginning to fade. You will need help if you'd like to stay alive out here.[br]Who are you? How did you get here? You don't have the answers. They've faded with the dusk...</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Journal"> <Entry Name="Note_theletter_Name">Familiar Note...</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_theletter_Text">I know. You can't remember. I can't give you any answers. I've set up a camp here, in a cleft of the woods, but this forest... [br]It is a cursed one. [br]You're going to need to get out of here, there are no-...[br][br]The rest of the note is covered with spilled ink.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Messages"> <Entry Name="WakeUp">Oh god... My head... Wha-... What happened?</Entry> <Entry Name="Where">I... I remember seeing someone. In the forest.</Entry> <Entry Name="GetOut">I should probably get out of here.</Entry> </CATEGORY> </LANGUAGE>
and i reckon that's all good.
Here is my .hps file:
void OnStart() { CollideForestArea(); PlaySoundAtEntity("WakeUp", "flashback_flash.snt", "ForestArea", 10, false); SetPlayerLampOil(0.0f); SetMessage("Messages", "WakeUp", 6); AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ForestArea_1", "LeaveCamp", false, -1); AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ScriptArea_1", "CollideForest", false, 0); PlaySoundAtEntity("WakeUp_1", "react_breath_slow.snt", "ForestArea", 4, false);}
void LeaveCamp(){ SetMessage("Messages", "Where", 5.0f);}
void CollideForest(){ PlaySoundAtEntity("ForestScare00", "scare_ghost.snt", "ScripArea_1", 10, false); PlaySoundAtEntity("ForestScare01", "react_scare.snt", "ScripArea_1", 10, false);}void CollideForestArea() { FadeOut(0); FadeIn(20); FadeImageTrailTo(2, 2); FadeSepiaColorTo(100, 4); SetPlayerActive(false); FadePlayerRollTo(80, 220, 220); FadeRadialBlurTo(0.15, 2); SetPlayerCrouching(true); AddTimer("trig1", 6.0f, "beginStory");}
void beginStory(string &in asTimer){ ChangePlayerStateToNormal(); SetPlayerActive(true); FadePlayerRollTo(0, 50, 50); FadeRadialBlurTo(0.0, 1); FadeSepiaColorTo(0, 4); SetPlayerCrouching(false); FadeImageTrailTo(0,1);}
void OnEnter(){AddTimer("timer1", 0, "what");}
void OnLeave(){
I've messed around with it a bit, but I can't get it to work.
Please, tell me what I'm doing wrong. I suspect there's something wrong in the .hps file, as I am kind of new to scripting.
The weird thing is, when I load the map in Amnesia, the game doesn't give me any kind of error in script file.
When the player moves on in to the forest, a scare sound is supposed to be played, and also a react sound. It's also supposed to be triggered by an area.
Here's the part i put into the onStart block:
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ScriptArea_1", "CollideForest", false, 0);
And here is the new void I created further down the script:
void CollideForest(){ PlaySoundAtEntity("ForestScare00", "scare_ghost.snt", "ScripArea_1", 10, false); PlaySoundAtEntity("ForestScare01", "react_scare.snt", "ScripArea_1", 10, false);}
It does NOT WORK. I was playing around with the script for about half an hour, but I just can't get it to work.
I'm also going to display a message here saying: "I should probably get out of here."
And I'm also going to make the player look into the forest.
I need help, please !
If you see any other errors in my script file, please tell me!
Thanks for your support!