(12-08-2011, 02:56 PM)Acies Wrote: Sel would you mind doing a timelapse of the texture work you are about to do? Not all of it, but for one piece. I would like to see the process and I think it would help me becoming better at texturing.
I'm really all over the place when it comes to working for prolonged periods, and I'm really not all that great a texture artist either, so I'm not going to do one since I'd probably give you lots of bad information in the process. However, I do have a video a friend did for me to help me out with texturing a while back that you might find useful.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUgQgPfdwdM (timelapse)
http://www.livestream.com/neurologicaldi...m=ui-thumb (I believe this is the start of the texturing in that video)
Additionally, these might be helpful for you too.
(12-08-2011, 03:54 PM)Your Computer Wrote: I'm curious as to what kind of texture work you're planning on doing that requires the assistance of a tablet for the objects displayed here.
It's quite a lot easier to paint small details using a tablet, it's not necessarily required, but it's definitely preferred.