(03-22-2014, 04:15 PM)valetheimpaler Wrote: Hi people! Im sure some may have seen them already, but for those who havent these are my screenshots! Please criticize and critique everything you see here! Thanks!
<Image 1>
<Image 2>
First Image:
This looks really good - long hallways can be a bit of a challenge since, as Kiandra pointed out, they get repetitive very quickly. Personally, I like the pictures with the open curtains a lot; there's variance that they're not too symmetrical, but it seems like the same idea repeats a little further down the hallway. You might want to consider altering one of them to have closed curtains or a missing painting - something to break the monotony.
The walls and the floor are also fairly well lit, but the light ends abruptly at the ceiling - is there a reason for this, stylistic choice/hiding the ceiling/it makes sense in the game? Otherwise I'd add dim lighting to the ceiling so it's not completely pitch black.
Second Image:
You could definitely use more lighting in this one. Currently, it seems like the candles are the only sources of light you've added (you did say this one was a WIP, so I'm assuming you haven't gotten around to adding pointlights or a boxlight yet). The window in the back could definitely benefit from some illumination around it; Flawless already mentioned that though. I can't say much on the billboards because they're not very easy to see at this angle. With the current lack of light though, they look kind of like laser beams :p
This one also looks very clean which creates a really jarring contrast with the papers all over the place and the overturned bookshelf. Try adding some particle systems and dirt decals to make it seem a bit less tidy. With one of the book cases on the floor like that, the one across from it probably would have been affected to some extent as well. Turning the shelves a bit and shuffling them away from the fallen one could make this seem a bit more realistic (if one fell, why would the other ones catch it without any change).
I also found that dirt_floor02 looks like scrape marks, so if you place them in front of the legs on the fallen bookshelf, it'll look like they actually dragged over the floor a bit (they're not lined up with the other shelves' legs, so it must have moved back - the floor wouldn't get away undamaged with something so heavy being scraped over it)
Other than that, not bad. The books on the shelves look great - there's a bit of disorganization and variation to them, which makes them look real rather than just copy-pasted entities throughout the entire map.