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Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Discussion Topic Part 1
Statyk Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

(08-05-2012, 03:48 PM)cantremember Wrote: I voted fleshlight too, to keep Daniel you know.. company.. in the dark.
There's always that ONE GUY.
08-05-2012, 05:50 PM
Deep One Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

10-10... which one is going to win?
08-05-2012, 06:10 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

why not have Both!

the flashlight should produce more light, but should be very, very unreliable and will often pack up and will need repairing before it will work again. it should drain power fast (5 minuites and its dead, with the light getting more and more dim as the batteries give out), and batteries for it should also extremely hard to find, ie, no more than 10 in the Entire game.

the lantern, shouldnt be a lantern, it should be a victorian "gas Jet" Light, it should produce only a quater the amount of light as the flashlight, and the noise of the flame should attract monsters if you are in earshot of them. but, the fuel should very easy to find, (it would be pretty much everwhere in industrial victorian england (i assume AMFP is set in England, possibly manchester, london or birmingham, going on the "victorian industrialist steampunk" theme?) thanks to the machines also using it!) and it should last a long time on each tank of fuel, about 20 minuites, but as with the flashlight, the light should get dimmer as the fuel runs out, you should also need to manually "re-pressurise" the fuel every 5 minuites or it will loose pressure, the flame jet will die, and youll be in darkness. youll have to find a light source before you can repressurise the tank, just to make it that little bit more... eeek...

that adds strategy and choice, do you use the flashlight and have an easier time seeing and risk it packing up meaning you need to repair it, or the batteries giving out rapidly. or do you use the lantern and have a harder time seeing (and risk attracting monsters) but have light for longer as its more reliable, lasts longer, and has more fuel.

it also adds an element of horror were you may be in complete darkness because the flashlight has broken down and the lantern has depressurised (you need to be able to see to pump it) and you...can...hear...grunting,....
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012, 07:58 PM by the dark side.)
08-05-2012, 07:50 PM
Deep One Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

The dark side, I really like your idea!
08-05-2012, 08:51 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

Thanks Deep one.. especially for the positive review, ive never had positive reputation before, it feels great.

I just Hope someone from frictional reads the idea. be nice to give them something back in return for some unique, and very good, games.
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012, 09:12 PM by the dark side.)
08-05-2012, 09:06 PM
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

That thing with the repressurizing worked pretty well in Metro 2033 (where you had to charge up the battery by working a dynamo whenever the light would get dim) so I can imagine it would also work very well in Amnesia.
But in Metro it also added an additional layer of tension, because you had to put away your weapon in order to do so...maybe something similar could be added to Amnesia as well. Not weapons of course, but what if you weren't able to look around while repairing your flashlight or repressurizing your lantern because you'd have to look down on the item in your hand?

The only problem I see in general is, before light can be made an interesting resource, the player has to really need it first. Many people (including me ^^) were hoarding tons of tinderboxes and liters of oil by the end of amnesia because the game was actually easier to play in the dark. (yeah, your sanity would drain, but monsters wouldn't be able to see you and since your eyes adapted to the darkness you didn't get lost either)
08-05-2012, 09:56 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

ill admit that i actually kind of borrowed the pressuriseation idea from Metro, it was a cool idea, and one i think would really fit with the victorian setting of AMFP.

indeed, the player should focuss on the job in hand, and be punished if they dont, ie, if hes pumping the lamp and he looks away, "gaaagh! that was foolish!" he should trap his hand in the pump and loose health, as well as not being able to use items as well and having slower hand movements until the hand heals, if he looks away while fixing the flashlight, he could end up accidently breaking it completely, and a new one will need to be found, as it the flashlight is "newfangled technology" that will be easier said than done. or he may just end up screwdriving his hand.. leaving him unable to use the lantern properly until his hand heals as the lantern will need both hands to light, turn off, and pressurise. he should still be able to do it, but it should be a lot slower to do each action, and you shouldnt be able to operate the environment properly as you wont have as much grip due to the pain.

hmm, on the old "item hoarding" issue, perhaps they should implement an old RPG mechanic, (from when they were actually RPG's!, not gears of war with dialoque trees...). the charachter should only be able to carry "so much" stuff, wich changes as the game goes on, ie, when you start, youve only got your pockets! and can upgrade to a "haversack" towards the very end of the game, but the more you carry, the Slower you become and the faster you can run out of breath, meaning, if youve filled the haversack with stuff, you wont be able to move so quick..so you wont be able to evade the monsters as well,. "GRUMCH!"..game over. so the player must choose what he or she does and does not need, to get the balance between having enough supplies to survive, yet still being nimble enough to run for the hills should a monster show up. again, adding another element of management to the game.. "do i really need that can of oil?"
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012, 10:15 PM by the dark side.)
08-05-2012, 10:12 PM
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

(08-05-2012, 10:12 PM)the dark side Wrote: indeed, the player should focuss on the job in hand, and be punished if they dont, ie, if hes pumping the lamp and he looks away, "gaaagh! that was foolish!" he should trap his hand in the pump and loose health, as well as not being able to use items as well and having slower hand movements until the hand heals, if he looks away while fixing the flashlight, he could end up accidently breaking it completely, and a new one will need to be found, as it the flashlight is "newfangled technology" that will be easier said than done. or he may just end up screwdriving his hand.. leaving him unable to use the lantern properly until his hand heals as the lantern will need both hands to light, turn off, and pressurise. he should still be able to do it, but it should be a lot slower to do each action, and you shouldnt be able to operate the environment properly as you wont have as much grip due to the pain.
I do think the original idea was interesting and had some merit, but this just seems like it is going a bit far. It sounds more like an annoyance than a good feature to add all of those negatives.

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
08-05-2012, 10:16 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: AAMFP - lantern or flashlight?

to me, that is the beauty of discussion, it allows an idea to be refined, keep what is good about it, and dismiss what is bad, while keeping the essence of the idea intact. so, seeing as tension is needed for horror, how do you suggest the player should be "immobilised" while pumping the lamp or fixing the flashlight, without overtly frustrating them? or making the game feel "artificial" or "on rails". (and please dont say Quick Time Event...)
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012, 10:20 PM by the dark side.)
08-05-2012, 10:19 PM
dogu123 Offline
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A question to the generous authority of Frictional Games about AAMFP

Hi to all frictional games forum members and authorized employees.
I want to ask a question about Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. As is known, the DLC made and released by Frictional Games named "Justine". And the generous authority of Frictional Games made it free to the all players of Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

My question is this: will AAMFP be free?
We all also waiting that DLC free from the authority of F.G.

Waiting the fastest answer to my question,
Thank you,
Kindest regards and respects, from Turkey.
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012, 11:42 PM by dogu123.)
08-05-2012, 11:40 PM

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